Present Perfect Tense

In Spanish the present perfect tense is used to describe an action, or repeated actions that started in the past and continues into the present. It can also be used to indicate actions that happened recently, though the preterite can also be used in this case.

The present perfect tense is often used with the following adverbs:

  • ya - already
  • hoy - today
  • nunca - never

In Spanish this tense is formed by combining the verb haber with the past participle of the verb. The following table shows the conjugation of the present perfect tense for the three classes of verbs.

hablar comer vivir
yo he hablado he comido he vivido
has hablado has comido has vivido
usted ha hablado ha comido ha vivido
él, ella ha hablado ha comido ha vivido
nosotros hemos hablado hemos comido hemos vivido
vosotros habéis hablado habéis comido habéis vivido
ustedes han hablado han comido han vivido
ellos, ellas han hablado han comido han vivido


Aún no ha llegado. It hasn't arrived yet.
¿Has comido? Have you eaten?
Sí, he comido. Yes, I have eaten.
¿Has llamado a tu madre? Have you called your mother?
No he confirmado nuestras reservaciones todavía. I haven't confirmed our reservations yet.
Ya han comido. They have already eaten.

Past Perfect Tense

The Past Perfect tense, also know as the pluperfect tense, expresses the idea that an action happened before another action in the past. It can also be used to show that an action happened before a specific time in the past. For example, 'I had spoken about it'.

In Spanish this tense is formed by combining the imperfect tense of the verb haber with the past participle of the verb.

The following adverbs will often appear in sentences where the past perfect is used.

  • ya - already
  • antes - before
  • nunca - never
  • todavía - still, yet
  • después - after

The following table shows the conjugation of the past perfect tense for the three classes of verbs.

hablar comer vivir
yo había hablado había comido había vivido
habías hablado habías comido habías vivido
él, ella había hablado había comido había vivido
nosotros habíamos hablado habíamos comido habíamos vivido
vosotros habíais hablado habíais comido habíais vivido
ellos, ellas habían hablado habían comido habían vivido


Pedro había abierto la puerta. Pedro had opened the door.
Yo había cerrado la puerta. I had closed the door.
Yo había cerrado la puerta antes de salir. I had closed the door before leaving.
Habíamos tenido que limpiar la casa antes de salir. We had to clean the house before going out.
Ya había salido cuando tú llamaste. I had already left when you called.


Poder (To Be Able)

The verb poder is an irregular verb that means to be able or can. The following table shows how to conjugate this very common verb in the present and preterite tenses.

pronoun present preterite
yo puedo pude I am/was able
puedes pudiste you are/were able (singular familiar)
usted puede pudo you are/were able (polite singular)
él, ella puede pudo he/she/it is/was able
nosotros podimos pudimos we are/were able
vosotros podéis pudisteis you are/were able (familiar plural)
ustedes pueden pudieron you are/were able (plural)
ellos, ellas pueden pudieron they are/were able
Present Participle: podiendo

Past Participle: podido


Puedo hablar español. I can speak Spanish.
¿Puedes ir a la tienda? Can you go to the store?
¿María pudo encontrar sus llaves? Was María able to find her keys?
Podemos hacerlo. We can do it.
Pudieron ver la película. They were able to see the movie.

Querer (To Want)

The verb querer is an irregular verb that means to want. The following table shows how to conjugate this very common verb in the present and preterite tenses.

pronoun present preterite
yo quiero quise I want/wanted
quieres quisiste you want/wanted (singular familiar)
usted quiere quiso you want/wanted (polite singular)
él, ella quiere quiso he/she/it wants/wanted
nosotros queremos quisimos we want/wanted
vosotros queréis quisisteis you want/wanted (plural familiar)
ustedes quieron quisieron you want/wanted (plural)
ellos, ellas quieron quisieron they wanted

Past Participle: querido


Quiero una taza de café. I want a cup of coffee.
¿Qué quieres saber? What do you want to know?
Hemos querido viajar a Nicaragua. We have wanted to travel to Nicaragua.
Querían comprar una casa. They wanted to buy a house.
Alejandro quiere venir con nosotros. Alejandro wants to come with us.


Here are some more very common Spanish verbs. If the vowel changes in the verb, it is shown in parentheses.

empezar (ie) begin
creer believe
elegir choose
sentir (ie) feel
pagar pay
pensar (ie) think
girar turn, rotate
contestar answer
responder answer, reply, respond
preguntar ask
pedir ask for
romper break
decidir decide
ayudar help
mover (ue) move


Daniel empieza a ayudar. Daniel begins to help.
Creemos que es verdad. We believe it's true.
Elegimos ir a la playa. We chose to go to the beach.
Rompieron la silla. They broke the chair.
Ella pagó la cuenta. She paid the bill.
Ella ya ha decidido ayudar. She has already decided.
Ya habíamos empezado nuestro viaje. We had already started our journey.


Here are some flashcards to help you learn the present perfect, and past perfect tenses of Spanish verbs.


This quiz covers the present perfect, and past perfect tenses of Spanish verbs. You can take the quiz as many times as you'd like. Each time the questions will be a bit different.