Comparing Adjectives


In this lesson you'll learn how to compare things in Spanish. You'll also learn how to use the past participle of a verb as an adjective, and some suffixes that are used to create adjectives from nouns.

More common Spanish adjectives are also included in this lesson. An introduction to the use of adjectives in sentences is included in the Adjectives lesson.

Online flashcards and a quiz are included to help you learn the material covered in this lesson.

Spanish Grammar

Making Comparisons

In Spanish you use the adverbs más and menos to indicate that something has more or less of a quality. When comparing two items that are different, you use the following construction:

más/menos [adjective] que
more/less [adjective] than


Esta montaña es más grande que aquella. This mountain is bigger than that one.
Ana tiene más dinero que Lucía. Ana has more money than Lucía.
Ana tiene menos dinero que Lucía. Ana has less money than Lucía.

Indicating the Most

To indicate that something has the most or least of a characteristic, the Spanish adverbs más and menos are also used, but in the following construction:

[noun] más/menos [adjective]
most/least [adjective] [noun]


Es la casa más grande en la ciudad. It is the largest house in the city.
Es la guitarra más cara de la tienda. It is the most expensive guitar in the store.
Es la guitarra menos cara de la tienda. It is the least expensive guitar in the store.
Es la casa más pequeña que he visto. It's the smallest house I've ever seen.

Creating Adjectives from Verbs

The past participles of many Spanish verbs can be used as adjectives. When a past participle is used as an adjective, it uses the same grammatical endings as other adjectives.

irritar verb
irritado past participle
irritada adjective (feminine singular)
irritadas adjective (feminine plural)
irritado adjective (masculine singular)
irritados adjective (masculine plural)


Ella está irritada. She is annoyed.
Él está irritado. He is annoyed.
Las mujeres están irritadas. The women are annoyed.
Los hombres están irritados. The men are annoyed.


There are a few suffixes that can be added to nouns to turn them into adjectives. Many of these adjectives have also been borrowed into English via French, so will be familiar.

These suffixes include:

  • ible
  • able
  • oso
  • al
  • dad

Some examples of adjectives created with these suffixes are included in the vocabulary section of this lesson.

Spanish Vocabulary

todo all
irritado annoyed
irritante irritating
molesto annoying
horrible horrible, awful
aburrido bored, boring
valiente brave
ocupado busy
tranquilo quiet, calm
cuidadoso careful
cauteloso cautious
seguro sure, safe, secure
cierto certain
alegre cheerful
limpio clean
transparente transparent, clear
claro clear (voice, sound)
despejado clear (not blocked)
cómodo comfortable
cómun common, mutual, ordinary
corriente current, common
loco crazy
lleno de gente crowded
diferente different
oscuro dark, dim
sucio dirty
temprano early
vacío empty
entero entire
emocionado excited
caro expensive
gratis free (no cost)
libre free
amable friendly, kind
simpático nice, sympathetic
lleno full
sano healthy
útil helpful, useful
horrible horrible
herido hurt, injured
importante important
imposible impossible
perezoso lazy
pequeño little, small
solitario lonely
solo alone
afortunado lucky
principal main
medio mean, average, middle
mezquino mean, petty
natural natural
otro other
popular popular
poco común rare, uncommon
auténtico real, authentic
verdadero true, real
reciente recent
mismo same
espantoso scary
egoísta selfish
brillante shiny
tímido shy
ridículo ridiculous, silly
tonto silly, foolish
soñoliento sleepy
unos, unas some
dolorido sore, aching
doloroso painful
extraño strange
terrible terrible
fuerte strong
duro hard, tough
insólito unusual
raro rare, unusual
disgustado disgusted, displeased
preocupado worried, upset, concerned
habitual usual, habitual, regular



This section contains flashcards to help you learn the Spanish adjectives in this lesson.


Practice writing sentences with the Spanish adjectives included in this lesson. Make sure to use the correct grammatical endings on the adjectives.

Here is a text area where you can practice writing Spanish.


Here is a quiz to help you learn the adjectives introduced in this lesson.