The Abandoned Cabin

The Abandoned Cabin

Here is a story in both Spanish and English about three friends who get lost while hiking and find an abandoned cabin. The English version of the story is shown beside the Spanish version to help your understanding of the story. The aim of the story is to improve your reading comprehension in Spanish and increase your Spanish vocabulary. Don't worry about understanding every word in the story. The more you read the story, the better your comprehension will become.


La cabaña abandonada The Abandoned Cabin
Matt, Hannah y Sarah eran mejores amigos que les encantaba el senderismo. Decidieron pasar un fin de semana explorando las montañas cerca de su pueblo. Empacaron sus mochilas con comida, agua, tiendas de campaña y sacos de dormir, y salieron temprano en la mañana. Matt, Hannah, and Sarah were best friends who loved hiking. They decided to spend a weekend exploring the mountains near their town. They packed their backpacks with food, water, tents, and sleeping bags, and set off early in the morning.
El primer día fue soleado y agradable, y disfrutaron de las vistas panorámicas de los árboles altos, el lago brillante y las flores coloridas. Siguiendo un sendero marcado, montaron su campamento cerca de un pequeño arroyo. Cocinaron algo de cena, cantaron algunas canciones y se contaron historias alrededor de la fogata. Se fueron a dormir felices y relajados. The first day was sunny and pleasant, and they enjoyed the scenic views of the towering trees, the sparkling lake, and the colorful flowers. They followed a marked trail and set up their camp near a small stream. They cooked some dinner, sang some songs, and told some stories around the campfire. They went to sleep feeling happy and relaxed.
Al día siguiente, sin embargo, las cosas empeoraron. El clima se volvió tormentoso y comenzó a llover fuertemente. El sendero se volvió fangoso y resbaladizo, y se perdieron. Intentaron usar sus teléfonos, pero no tenían señal. Entraron en pánico y discutieron entre ellos. The next day, however, things took a turn for the worse. The weather became stormy and it started to rain heavily. The trail became muddy and slippery, and they lost their way. They tried to use their phones, but they had no signal. They started to panic and argue with each other.
"Genial, simplemente genial. Estamos perdidos en medio de la nada, sin mapa, sin teléfono, sin nada. ¿De quién fue la idea de esto?" preguntó Matt enfadado. "Great, just great. We're lost in the middle of nowhere, with no map, no phone, no nothing. Whose idea was this anyway?" Matt snapped.
"Oye, no me eches la culpa. Tú fuiste el que quiso ir de excursión en primer lugar. Y tú fuiste el que dijo que no necesitábamos un guía. Dijiste que sabías el camino." Hannah replicó. "Hey, don't blame me. You were the one who wanted to go hiking in the first place. And you were the one who said we didn't need a guide. You said you knew the way." Hannah retorted.
"Chicos, chicos, cálmense. Pelear no nos ayudará. Tenemos que permanecer juntos y encontrar una salida." Sarah intervino. "Guys, guys, calm down. Fighting won't help us. We need to stick together and find a way out of here." Sarah intervened.
La tormenta arreciaba y los tres amigos temblaban de frío. Habían estado caminando por el bosque durante horas, pero se habían perdido. Tenían la esperanza de encontrar una estación de guardabosques o un campamento, pero todo lo que encontraron fue una cabaña oscura y espeluznante junto a un lago. La cabaña parecía vieja y abandonada. Las ventanas estaban tapiadas, el techo se hundía y la puerta colgaba de sus bisagras. The storm was raging, and the three friends were shivering in the cold. They had been hiking in the forest for hours, but they had lost their way. They had hoped to find a ranger station or a campsite, but all they found was a dark and eerie cabin by a lake. The cabin looked old and abandoned. The windows were boarded up, the roof was sagging, and the door was hanging from its hinges.
"¡Guau, mira eso!" exclamó Matt. "¿Crees que alguien vive ahí?" "Whoa, look at that!" Matt exclaimed. "Do you think anyone lives there?"
"Lo dudo," dijo Hannah. "Parece que ha estado desierta por mucho tiempo." "I doubt it," Hannah said. "It looks like it's been deserted for a long time."
"Quizás deberíamos echarle un vistazo," sugirió Sarah. "Podría ser interesante." "Maybe we should check it out," Sarah suggested. "It could be interesting."
"O peligroso," advirtió Hannah. "Nunca se sabe lo que podría haber dentro. Tal vez esté embrujada, o infestada de ratas, o llena de trampas." "Or dangerous," Hannah warned. "You never know what could be inside. Maybe it's haunted, or infested with rats, or booby-trapped."
"Vamos, no seas tan miedoso", bromeó Sarah. "Es solo una cabaña vieja. ¿Qué es lo peor que podría pasar?" Caminó hacia la cabaña, seguida por Matt, que tenía curiosidad. Hannah dudó, pero luego decidió unirse a ellos. No quería quedarse sola junto al lago. "Come on, don't be such a scaredy-cat," Sarah teased. "It's just an old cabin. What's the worst that could happen?" She walked towards the cabin, followed by Matt, who was curious. Hannah hesitated, but then decided to join them. She didn't want to be left alone by the lake.
Llamaron a la puerta, pero no hubo respuesta. Intentaron abrirlo y estaba abierto. Empujaron la puerta para abrirla. Crujió con fuerza y una nube de polvo salió volando. Tosieron y agitaron las manos, tratando de despejar el aire. Entraron y miraron a su alrededor. La cabaña era pequeña y oscura, con una sola habitación. Estaba polvoriento, lleno de telarañas y el suelo estaba cubierto de suciedad y escombros, pero tenía una chimenea con algo de leña al lado, una mesa con algunas sillas, un sofá, una estantería y una cama. Las paredes estaban decoradas con pinturas y fotos. Decidieron pasar la noche allí, con la esperanza de que pasara la tormenta y pudieran reanudar la búsqueda del rastro por la mañana. They knocked on the door, but there was no answer. They tried to open it, and it was unlocked. They pushed the door open. It creaked loudly, and a cloud of dust flew out. They coughed and waved their hands, trying to clear the air. They stepped inside, and looked around. The cabin was small and dark, with a single room. It was dusty, cobwebbed, and the floor was covered with dirt and debris, but it had a fireplace with some wood beside it, a table with some chairs, a couch, a bookshelf, and a bed. The walls were decorated with paintings and photos. They decided to stay there for the night, hoping that the storm would pass and they could resume their search for the trail in the morning.
Encendieron un fuego en la chimenea y se calentaron. Encontraron algo de comida enlatada y agua en la cocina, y comieron algo. Se sintieron un poco mejor y decidieron explorar un poco más la cabaña. Se dieron cuenta de que la estantería tenía algunos libros viejos, algunos de ellos parecían muy antiguos y raros. They lit a fire in the fireplace, and warmed themselves up. They found some canned food and water in the kitchen, and ate some. They felt a bit better, and decided to explore the cabin a bit more. They noticed that the bookshelf had some old books, some of them looked very old and rare.
Continuaron explorando la cabaña, encontrando varios objetos que insinuaban la vida del dueño anterior. Encontraron un diario, un mapa, una brújula, un cuchillo, una caña de pescar, una linterna y una radio. También encontraron algunas ropas, algo de comida, algo de medicina y algo de dinero. They continued to explore the cabin, finding various items that hinted at the previous owner's life. They found a diary, a map, a compass, a knife, a fishing rod, a lantern, and a radio. They also found some clothes, some food, some medicine, and some money.
"Wow, esto es como una mina de oro," dijo Matt, cogiendo un libro. "Mira esto, es una primera edición de El Hobbit. Esto debe valer una fortuna." "Wow, this is like a treasure trove," Matt said, picking up a book. "Look at this, it's a first edition of The Hobbit. This must be worth a fortune."
"Mira esto," dijo Hannah, señalando una foto. "Es una foto de un hombre y una mujer. Se ven felices. ¿Crees que vivieron aquí?" "Look at this," Hannah said, pointing at a photo. "It's a picture of a man and a woman. They look happy. Do you think they lived here?"
"Quizás," dijo Sarah, mirando un recorte de periódico. "Pero mira esto, es un titular de hace diez años. Dice 'Hallan muerto a excursionista desaparecido'. Y hay una foto del mismo hombre." "Maybe," Sarah said, looking at a newspaper clipping. "But look at this, it's a headline from ten years ago. It says 'Missing Hiker Found Dead'. And there's a picture of the same man."
Se sobresaltaron, y leyeron el artículo. Decía que el hombre era un famoso explorador, que se había ido a una expedición en solitario en las montañas, y nunca regresó. Su cuerpo fue encontrado por un equipo de búsqueda, cerca de un acantilado. Se había caído y se había roto el cuello. El artículo también mencionaba que había dejado atrás a una esposa, que vivía en la cabaña junto al lago. They gasped, and read the article. It said that the man was a famous explorer, who had gone on a solo expedition in the mountains, and never returned. His body was found by a search party, near a cliff. He had fallen and broken his neck. The article also mentioned that he had left behind a wife, who lived in the cabin by the lake.
"Qué triste," dijo Hannah, sintiendo pena por la mujer. "That's so sad," Hannah said, feeling sorry for the woman.
"Quizás ella todavía está aquí," dijo Sarah, mirando alrededor. "Quizás se esconde en algún lugar, o nos observa." "Maybe she's still here," Sarah said, looking around. "Maybe she's hiding somewhere, or watching us."
"No seas tonta," dijo Matt, negando con la cabeza. "Ella probablemente se fue hace mucho tiempo. O tal vez ella también murió." "Don't be silly," Matt said, shaking his head. "She probably left a long time ago. Or maybe she died too."
Sintieron un escalofrío en el aire, y decidieron salir de la cabaña. Caminaron de vuelta a la puerta, e intentaron abrirla. Pero no se movió. Estaba cerrada. They felt a chill in the air, and decided to leave the cabin. They walked back to the door, and tried to open it. But it wouldn't budge. It was locked.
Entraron en pánico, y empujaron más fuerte. Pero la puerta no se movió. Estaba atascada. They panicked, and pushed harder. But the door didn't move. It was stuck.
Se miraron el uno al otro, y se dieron cuenta de que estaban atrapados. They looked at each other, and realized that they were trapped.
Finalmente se calmaron y se dieron cuenta de que al menos estaban calientes y secos. Decidieron que podrían pasar la noche en la cabaña, ya que la tormenta seguía arreciando, e intentar encontrar una salida por la mañana. They eventually calmed down, and realized that at least they were warm and dry. They decided that they might as well spend the night in the cabin, since the storm was still raging, and try and find a way out in the morning.
--- ---
A la mañana siguiente, se despertaron con un cielo despejado y un sol brillante. Hannah volvió a abrir la puerta, y esta vez se abrió. Sintieron una oleada de esperanza. Empacaron sus cosas y salieron de la cabaña. Cada uno de ellos recordaba fragmentos de sueños aterradores, y se convencieron de que todos acababan de soñar que habían sido encerrados dentro de la cabaña. The next morning, they woke up to a clear sky and a bright sun. Hannah tried the door again, and this time it opened. They felt a surge of hope. They packed their things, and left the cabin. They each remembered fragments of terrifying dreams, and convinced themselves that the had all just dreamed that they had been locked inside the cabin.
Caminaron a lo largo del lago y pronto encontraron el sendero. Lo siguieron y llegaron al coche. Volvieron a su pueblo, aliviados y felices. Habían sobrevivido a una situación aterradora y vivido una experiencia memorable. También habían aprendido algo sobre ellos mismos y su amistad. They walked along the lake, and soon found the trail. They followed it, and reached their car. They drove back to their town, feeling relieved and happy. They had survived a scary situation, and had a memorable experience. They had also learned something about themselves and their friendship.