Nouns - Learn Spanish


In this lesson you'll learn how to use nouns in the Spanish language. You'll also learn about the Spanish definite and indefinite articles, and how they are used with nouns.

A short conversation in Spanish is included to help you learn how to speak conversational Spanish.

Flashcards and a quiz are included at the end of the lesson to help you learn the Spanish definite and indefinite articles, along with the nouns introduced in this lesson.


Spanish English
Listen Por Favor. Please.
Listen Gracias. Thank you.
Listen Podría repetir eso. Can you repeat that.
Listen De acuerdo. I agree.
Listen Disculpe. Excuse me.


Nouns are words that refer to people, places, things and concepts. Nouns can refer to one item (singular) or more than one item (plural). In Spanish, all nouns either have a masculine or feminine gender.


All nouns in Spanish belong to either a masculine or a feminine grammatical gender. The gender of the noun affects the form of the definite article, indefinite article, and adjectives related to it.

Nouns ending in a are usually feminine. All nouns ending in -ción/sión, -dad/tad, and -ez are also feminine. Nouns ending in o, except "mano" (hand), and "radio" are masculine. In other cases the gender of the noun can't be predicted and will need to be memorized.


The plural of nouns is formed by adding s when the noun ends in a vowel and es when the noun ends in a consonant.

Definite Article

In Spanish, the definite article, the in English, has different forms depending on whether the noun it is used with is masculine or feminine, singular or plural. As in English the definite article comes before the noun.

Singular Plural
Masculine el los
Feminine la las

Indefinite Article

In Spanish, the indefinite article, a or an in English, has different forms depending on whether the noun it is used with is masculine or feminine, singular or plural. The plural form of the indefinite article is equivalent to some in English.

Singular Plural (some)
Masculine un unos
Feminine una unas



Here are some examples showing how the Spanish definite and indefinite articles are used with nouns.

la mujer the woman
las mujeres the women
el hombre the man
los hombres the men
la ciudad the city
las ciudades the cities
la nación the nation
las naciones the nations
la taza the cup
las tazas the cups
una taza a cup
unas tazas some cups
el libro the book
los libros the books
un libro a book
unos libros some books
el cielo the sky
el sol the sun
The house
la casa
The flowers
las flores
Some apples
unas manzanas
a bridge
un puente


Read the following conversation between Pedro, Martín, and Ana. Note that Pedro and Martín use the informal version of you, since they are friends. Since Ana has just met Martín, she uses the polite form of you.


Pedro y Ana caminan hacia un restaurante para almorzar. En el camino ven a Martín que es amigo de Pedro.

Pedro: Hola Martín. ¿Cómo estás?

Martín: Está bien.

Pedro: Te presento a Ana. Ella es de Valencia.

Martín: Mucho gusto.

Ana: Es un placer conocerlo también. ¿Tiene hambre? Vamos a almorzar.

Martín: Tengo hambre, pero tengo que volver a trabajar. Quizás podamos encontrarnos más tarde.

Ana: ¡Adiós!

Pedro: Vamos. Daniel ya está en el restaurante.


Pedro and Ana are walking to a restaurant for lunch. On the way they see Pedro's friend Martín.

Pedro: Hi Martín. How's it going?

Martín: Good.

Pedro: This is Ana. She is from Valencia.

Martín: Nice to meet you.

Ana: Nice to meet you too. Are you hungry? We're going for lunch.

Martín: I'm hungry, but I have to go back to work. Maybe we can meet up later.

Ana: Bye.

Pedro: Let's go. Daniel is already at the restaurant.


Here are some flashcards to help you learn the nouns introduced in this lesson.

Practice Section

For each question write the Spanish word. Make sure to use the correct definite or indefinite article.

the women
a man
the cups
a city
the sun
a house
the books
the sky
the bridges
the apples


Here is a quiz to help you practice the Spanish definite and indefinite articles and the nouns introduced in this lesson.