¿Cómo estás?

Alhambra in Spain

In this lesson you'll learn some more very common Spanish phrases, as well as some more tips on how to pronounce Spanish.

You'll also learn the Spanish words for some common colors.

A short conversation in Spanish is included to help you learn how to speak conversational Spanish.

Flashcards are included at the end of the lesson to help you learn the Spanish phrases and words for colors introduced in this lesson.

Spanish Pronunciation

Pronunciation of the Spanish language is fairly straightforward. Here are a few things to remember.

The letter a is always pronounced like the a in father.

The letter i is always pronounced like the ee greet.

The letter j is pronounced like a strong h.

The letter g when followed by an e or i is pronounced like a strong h. Otherwise it is pronounced like the g in good.

Spanish Phrases

Here are some very common Spanish phrases. Along with the phrase, the pronunciation and English translation are also shown. The syllables in bold are stressed.

Spanish Pronunciation English
Listen Sí. See. Yes.
Listen No. No. No.
Listen Vale. Bahlay. OK.
Listen ¿Cómo está usted? ¿Cohmoh estah ustedh? How are you? (polite)
Listen ¿Cómo estás? ¿Cohmo estahs? How are you? (informal)
Listen Estoy bien. Estoy byen. (I'm) good.
Listen Estoy muy bien. Estoy muy byen. (I'm) very well.
Listen Bien gracias, ¿y usted? byen gratheeas
ee oosted
Good thanks and you?
Listen Lo siento. loh syentoh. I'm sorry.
Listen Entiendo. Entyendoh. I understand.
Listen No entiendo. No Entyendoh. I don't understand.
Listen Perdóneme. Perdohnaymay. Excuse me. Pardon me.
Listen Muchas gracias. moochahs grahtheeahs. Thank you very much.
Listen De nada. Day nahdah. You're welcome.

Note: Gracias is pronounced grahseeahs in Central and South America.



Pedro: ¿Quieres un café? Would you like a coffee?
Ana: Sí, por favor. Yes, please.
Pedro: Aquí tienes. Here you go. (Here you have.)
Ana: Muchas gracias. Thank you very much.
Pedro: De nada. You're welcome.


Here are the Spanish words for some common colors.

Listen amarillo (yellow)
Listen azul (blue)
Listen blanco (white)
Listen gris (gray)
Listen marrón (brown)
Listen negro (black)
Listen rojo (red)
Listen verde (green)


Here are some flashcards to help you learn the Spanish phrases included in this lesson and the previous lesson, as well as the Spanish words for common colors.


Here is an online quiz to help you learn the Spanish phrases included in the last two lessons, as well as the words for common colors. Each time you take the quiz the questions will be a bit different.