Subjunctive Mood of Verbs


In this lesson you'll learn how to use the subjunctive mood of Spanish verbs. The subjunctive mood is shown for regular verbs, as well as for common irregular verbs. Some common phrases that require the subjunctive mood are also included.

Flashcards and a quiz are included to help you learn the subjunctive mood of Spanish verbs.

Subjunctive Mood

The subjunctive mood of verbs is used to indicate possibilities, opinions, doubt, uncertainty, or desire.

The following table shows the conjugation of the subjunctive mood for the three classes of Spanish verbs.

hablar comer vivir
yo hable coma viva
hables comas vivas
él, ella hable coma viva
nosotros hablemos comamos vivamos
vosotros habléis comáis viváis
ellos, ellas hablen coman vivan


Several verbs are irregular in the subjunctive mood. The following tables show the conjugation of some of the more common ones.

dar estar ir saber ser
yo esté vaya sepa sea
dés estés vayas sepas seas
él, ella esté vaya sepa sea
nosotros demos estemos vayamos sepamos seamos
ellos den estén vayan sepan sean

Verbs that are irregular in the yo form of the present tense have the same irregularity in the present subjunctive mood.

conocer decir hacer tener venir
yo conozca diga haga tenga venga
conozcas digas hagas tengas vengas
él, ella conozca diga haga tenga venga
nosotros conozcamos digamos hagamos tengamos vengamos
ellos conozcan digan hagan tengan vengan

Verbs that have vowel changes in the present tense also have those vowel changes in the present subjunctive.

dormir empezar volver
yo duerma empiece vuelva
tu duermas empieces vuelvas
él, ella duerma empiece vuelva
nosotros durmamos empecemos volvamos
ellos duerman empiecen vuelvan

Verb Phrases that Require the Subjunctive

The subjunctive mood is used for verbs in subordinating clauses that follow certain verbs in the main clause and connected by the conjunction que. The following table shows some common sentence structures that require the verb that follows to be in the subjunctive mood.

querer que to want that
insistir que to insist that
preferir que to prefer that
recomendar que to recommend that
sugerir que to suggest that
No es verdad que It's not true that
Es posible que It's possible that
No es posible que It's not possible that
Dudar que To doubt that
Negar que To deny that
No creer que To not believe that
No estar seguro de que To not be sure that
Esperar que To hope that
Alegrarse que To be happy that
Sentir que To be sorry that
Sorprender que To be sorry that

Conjunctions that Require the Subjunctive

Some conjunctions always require the verb that follows to be in the subjunctive mood. These conjunctions create a sense of uncertainty, since one action is required before another action can happen. The following table shows the conjunctions that always require the subjunctive mood.

de manera que so that, in a way that
a menos que unless
antes de que before
con tal de as long as
de modo que in a manner that
para que in order that
sin que without

Some conjunctions can optionally be followed by a verb in the subjunctive mood if you want to show a sense of uncertainty. The following table shows these conjunctions.

cuando when
después de que after
en cuanto as soon as
hasta que until
tan pronto como as soon as

Subjunctive to Indicate Doubt that a Person or Thing Exists

The subjunctive can also be used to indicate uncertainty that a person or object exists with a certain quality or attribute. The following sentences show some examples.

Necesito una persona que pueda ayudarme a aprender física. I need a person that can help me learn physics.
Estamos buscando un libro que tenga información sobre el clima en Venus. We're looking for a book that has information about the climate on Venus.
¿Hay alguien que pueda ayudarme? Is there anyone who can help me?


The following sentences show examples of how the subjunctive mood is used in the Spanish language.

Maria quiere que vayamos al cine. Maria wants that we go to the city
Mis padres insisten en que mi hermano haga su tarea. My parents insist that my brother does his homework.
No creo que puedas correr todo el día. I don't believe that you can run all day.
Yo quiero que tú limpies la cocina. I want you to clean the kitchen.
Esperamos que disfrutes de la cena. We hope that you enjoy dinner.
Es necesario que los alumnos lean este libro. It is necessary that the students read this book.
Su médico le recomienda que beba más agua. His doctor recommends that he drinks more water.
Ayudo a mis amigos, con tal que mis amigos me ayuden también. I help my friends as long as my friends help me too.
Viajamos a Colombia para que veas una cultura nueva. We travel to Colombia in order to see a new culture.
Cuando estudies esta noche, no olvides de hacer todos los problemas. When you study tonight, don't forget to do all the questions.
Hasta que mis padres vendan su casa, vamos a seguir viviende aquí. Until my parents sell their house, we're going to keep living here.


Here are some flashcards to help you learn the subjunctive mood of Spanish verbs.


Here is a quiz to help you learn the subjunctive mood of Spanish verbs. Each time you take the quiz the questions will be a bit different.