Spanish Pronouns

Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia

In this lesson you'll learn how to use subject pronouns in the Spanish language. A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun or noun phrase. The subject of a sentence refers to who or what the sentence is about.

Object pronouns are covered later in the course and demonstrative pronouns are covered in the lesson This and That.

You'll also learn some common words for people and family members. See the lesson People and Family for more Spanish vocabulary.

This lesson starts with a short conversation in Spanish where Sofía talks about where she lives and her family.


Read Spanish

Sofía at work


Hola. Me llamo Sofía. Vivo en Madrid en un apartamento pequeño. Mis padres viven cerca, así que puedo visitarlos a menudo. Tengo un hermano que vive en Zaragoza. Está casado y tiene un hijo y una hija. Mi hermana vive en Sevilla. Trabaja como médica.


Hi. My name is Sofía. I live in Madrid in a small apartment. My parents live nearby, so I can visit them often. I have a brother who lives in Zaragoza. He is married and has a son and a daughter. My sister lives in Sevilla. She works as a doctor.

Personal Pronouns

A personal pronoun is a pronoun that represents a specific person, object, or group. In English these are words such as I, me, it, and them. Spanish pronouns have subject and object forms like in English, but there are also differences in how pronouns are used in Spanish. This lesson covers subbject pronouns.

There are several forms of "you" in Spanish.

  • is used when talking to one friend or family member. In some parts of Spanish America the word "vos" is used instead.
  • vosotros is used in Spain when talking to more than one friend or family member.
  • usted (often written as Ud. or in Spain Vd.) is used when talking to one stranger or one person in more formal situations. If you are unsure you should use this form when talking to a person.
  • ustedes (often written as Uds. or in Spain Vds.) Is used when talking to more than one stranger or more than one person in more formal situations. In Spanish America it is always used when talking to more than one person.

The following table shows the Spanish subject pronouns.

Spanish Subject English
yo I
you (one person informal)
usted you (one person formal)
él he, it
ella she, it
nosotros, nosotras we
vosotros, vosotras you (plural informal)
ustedes you (plural formal)
ellos, ellas they

Note: Nosotros, vosotros, and ellos are used when referring to more than one male, or more than one male and female. Nosotras, vosotras, and ellas are used when talking about females only.

Subject pronouns in Spanish are often omitted. They are still used though for emphasis or to avoid ambiguity. For example to say "I am tired", someone would normally say "Estoy cansado" instead of "Yo estoy cansado".



Pronouns can be difficult to master in Spanish. Here are some examples of how to use pronouns correctly.

Sound Soy yo. It's me. (It is I)
Sound Son ellos. It's them. (It is they)
Sound Tú tienes razón. You are right.
(Referring to one friend or family member)
Sound Estoy aquí. (pronoun omitted) I'm here.
Sound Solo el gato y yo estamos aquí. Only the cat and I are here.
Sound Ella está cansada. She is tired.
Sound Están cansados. (pronoun omitted) They are tired.
Sound Estamos cansados. (pronoun omitted) We are tired.

Spanish Vocabulary

In this section you'll learn some common Spanish words for people and family members.

Listen el hombre the man
Listen la mujer the woman
Listen la niña the child, the girl
Listen el niño the child, the boy
Listen la madre the mother
Listen el padre the father
Listen la hermana the sister
Listen el hermano the brother
Listen el hijo the son
Listen la hija the daughter
Listen el amigo the friend (male)
Listen la amiga the friend (female)


Here are some flashcards to help you learn the Spanish words included in this lesson.


Here are some questions to help you learn Spanish pronouns. Use the familiar forms of you.

It's me.
Son ellos
It's him.
It's her.
the mother
the father
the friend (m)
the friend (f)
the sister
the son