Icelandic Phrases


Welcome to the Aderalingua Icelandic Phrases course. This is a free online course to help you learn some useful words and phrases in the Icelandic language.

This course includes Icelandic phrases for introducing yourself, greeting people, and everyday situations. Icelandic words for common colors, numbers, and adjectives are also included.

Online flashcards are included to help you improve your Icelandic vocabulary.

Let's get started learning Icelandic.


Like English, the Icelandic alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet. The following table shows the pronunciation of some of the letters in Icelandic that may be a bit tricky for English speakers.

Á á Pronounced like ou is house.
Ð ð Pronounced like th in father.
É é Pronounced like ye in yet.
G g Pronounced like the g in good at the beginning of a word. Between vowels like ch in German or Scottish loch. Sometimes silent.
J j Pronounced like y in yes.
Ó ó Pronounced like oa in boat.
Ú ú Pronounced like oo in moon.
Þ þ Pronounced like th in three.
Æ æ Pronounced like i in ice.
Ö ö Pronounced similar to u in fur.

Introduction and Greeting Phrases

This section includes Icelandic phrases used for introducing yourself and greeting others. Listen to each sentence and then practice speaking it. This will help you understand spoken Icelandic as well as improve your pronunciation. Use the flashcards at the end of this section to help you learn these phrases.

Sound Halló. Hello.
Sound Hæ. Hi.
Sound Bless. Goodbye.
Sound Góðan dag. Good morning.
Sound Gott kvöld. Good evening.
Sound Góða nótt. Good night.
Sound Hvað heitir þú? What is your name?
Sound Ég heiti ___. My name is ___.
Sound Gleður mig að kynnast þér. Nice to meet you.
Sound Gaman að kynnast þér. Pleased to meet you.
Sound Hvernig hefur þú það? How are you?
Sound Hvernig gengur? How's it going?
Sound Gott takk. (Og þú?) (I'm) good, thanks. (And you?)
Sound Talar þú ensku? Do you speak English?
Sound Ég tala ekki íslensku. I can't speak Icelandic.
Sound Sjáumst síðar! See you later!
Sound Sjáumst bráðlega! See you soon!
Sound Hvar áttu heima? Where do you live?
Sound Ég bý í ___. I live in ___.
Sound Hvaðan ertu? Where are you from?
Sound Ég er frá ___. I'm from ___.

Here are some flashcards to help you learn these useful Icelandic phrases for greeting people and introducing yourself to others.



Common Phrases

This section includes some useful Icelandic phrases that are used in everyday life. Use the flashcards at the end of this section to help you learn these phrases.

Listen Já. Yes.
Listen Nei. No.
Listen Ertu búinn? Are you finished?
Listen Farðu varlega! Be careful!
Listen Get ég hjálpað þér? Can I help you?
Listen Getur þú hjálpað mér? Can you help me?
Listen Komdu með mér. Come with me.
Listen Virkaði það? Did it work?
Listen Ég hef áhyggjur. I'm worried.
Listen Ekki hafa áhyggjur! Don't worry!
Listen Allt er í lagi. Everything is all right.
Listen Afsakið Excuse me.
Listen Fyrirgefðu. Pardon me.
Listen Hringdu í mig. Give me a call.
Listen Gangi þér vel! Good Luck!
Listen Gettu hvað! Guess what!
Listen Góða skemmtun! Have fun!
Listen Hjálp! Help!
Listen Hversu langt í burtu er það? How far away is it?
Listen Hvað kostar það? How much is it?
Listen Ég gerði það. I did it.
Listen Ég gerði það ekki. I didn't do it.
Listen Ég veit. I know.
Listen Ég veit ekki. I don't know.
Listen Ég skil. I understand.
Listen Ég skil ekki. I don't understand.
Listen Ég fann það. I found it.
Listen Ég elska þig! I love you!
Listen Þetta líkar mér. I like that.
Listen Þetta líkar mér ekki. I don't like that.
Ég myndi vilja ___. I would like ___.
Ef ég væri þú.
(Ef yeg vighri thoo)
If I were you.
Ég hringi í þig seinna. I'll call you later.
Ég er fullur. (male) Ég er full.(female) I'm full.
Ég er svangur.(male) Ég er svöng.(female)
(Yeg er svangur, Yeg er svöng)
I'm hungry.
Ég er týndur. (male) Ég er týnd.(female) I'm lost.
Því miður.
(Thvee midhur)
I'm sorry.
Ég er þyrstur. (male) Ég er þyrst.(female)
(yeg er thirstur, yeg er thirst)
I'm thirsty.
Ég er þreytt.(female) Ég er þreyttur.(male)
(Yeg er thrayt(ur))
I'm tired.
Er allt í lagi? Is everything all right?
Er einhver þarna? Is someone there?
Það virkar ekki.
(Thahdh virkar ekki)
It doesn't work.
Það er mikilvægt. It's important.
Það er ekki mikilvægt. It's not important.
Förum. Let's go.
Við skulum gera það besta úr því. Let's make the best of it.
Look out!
Gjörðu svo vel!
(gyurdhu svo vell)
Mér þykir það leitt!
(myer thickir thahdh layt)
Slakaðu á. Take it easy.
Takk fyrir!(tahk firrir) Thank you!
Þakka þér kærlega fyrir! Thank you very much!
Það er í lagi. That's fine.
Það er frábært! That's great!
Það er rétt!
(Thahdh er ryet)
That's right!
Hvað ertu að gera? What are you doing?
Hvað sagði hann? What did he say?
Hvað sagði hún? What did she say?
Hvað sagðir þú? What did you say?
Hvað heldur þú? What do you think?
Hvað þýðir það? What does that mean?
Hvað gerðist? What happened?
Hvað er þetta? What is that?
Hvert er vandamálið? What's the problem?
Hvað er að?
(Kvadh er ahdh)
What's wrong?
Hvað er klukkan? What time is it?
Hvað viltu að drekka? What would you like to drink?
Hvað viltu að borða? What would you like to eat?
Hvar gistir þú? Where are you staying? (to one person)
Hvar er sjúkrahús? Where is the hospital?
Hvar er snyrting? Where is the washroom?
Hvar voru þeir? Where were they?
Hver er það? Who is that?
Hver veit?
(Kver vait)
Who knows?
Þú veist hvað ég meina.
(Thoo vaist kvadh yeg mainah)
You know what I mean.
Ekkert að þakka!
(ekkert adh thacka)
You're welcome!

Here are some flashcards to help you learn these useful Icelandic phrases.


Icelandic Landscape

Restaurants and Cafés

Here are some useful Icelandic phrases that you can use when you're at a restaurant or café.

Borð fyrir tvo, takk. A table for two, please.
Get ég fengið að sjá matseðilinn. Can I see the menu please.
Get ég fengið salt. May I have some salt.
Get ég fengið smjör. May I have some butter.
Get ég fengið glas af vatn? May I have a glass of water?
Get ég fengið bolla af kaffi? May I have a cup of coffee?
Get ég fengið bolla af te? May I have a cup of tea?
Get ég fengið bjór? May I have a beer?
Get ég fengið reikninginn. The bill, please.


This section includes some Icelandic words for common colors.

gulur (yellow)
blár (blue)
dökkblár (navy)
hvítur (white)
grár (grey)
brúnn (brown)
svartur (black)
fjólublár (purple)
rauður (red)
dökkrauður (dark red)
bleikur (pink)
grænn (green)
ljós grænn (light green)
magenta (magenta)
cyan (cyan)
appelsínugulur (orange)

Here are some flashcards to help you learn the Icelandic words for colors.



In this section you'll learn the Icelandic words for numbers.

0 núll (nul)
1 einn (aydn)
2 tveir (tvayr)
3 þrír (threer)
4 fjórir (fyohrir)
5 fimm (fimm)
6 sex (sex)
7 sjö (syuh)
8 átta (owt-tah)
9 níu (neeuh)
10 tíu (teeuh)
11 ellefu (ellevuh)
12 tólf (toalf)
13 þrettán
14 fjórtán
15 fimmtán
16 sextán
17 sautján
18 átján
19 nítján
20 tuttugu
21 tuttugu og einn
30 þrjátíu
100 hundrað
101 hundrað og einn
1,000 þúsund


In this section you'll learn some Icelandic words for people.

manneskja person
fólk people
móðir mother
faðir father
dóttir daughter
sonur son
barn child
drengur, strákur boy
stelpa girl
Bróðir brother
systir sister
eiginmaður husband
eiginkona wife


This section lists some common Icelandic adjectives. Using adjectives in Icelandic is more complicated than in English, since they have different grammatical endings depending on the gender of the noun they modify, if the noun is singular or plural, and whether the noun is a subject or object of a sentence. Wikipedia has an article on the grammar of Icelandic adjectives.

Here are some useful sentence templates to use with Icelandic adjectives.

I am [adjective]. Ég er [adjective].
I am not [adjective]. Ég er ekki [adjective].
Are you [adjective]? Ert þú [adjective]? (to one person)
Eruð þið [adjective]? (plural)
She is [adjective]. Hún er [adjective].
He is too [adjective]. Hann er of [adjective].
It is very [adjective]. Það er mjög [adjective].
It is so [adjective]. Það er svo [adjective].


Here is a list of common Icelandic adjectives. Try creating sentences with with these adjectives using the templates shown above.

áhugaverður interesting
bjartur bright
blautur wet
breiður wide
dapur sad
dökk dark
einfaldur simple
erfitt hard (difficult)
fallegur beautiful
gamall old
góður good, nice
hamingjusamur happy
hár high
hávær loud, noisy
hægur slow
hár high, tall
harður hard
heitur hot
hraður fast
hrjúfur rough
kaldur cold
langur long
lágur low
léttur light (not heavy)
lítill small
ljós light (not dark)
mjúkur soft
nýr new
rangur wrong
reiður angry
réttur right (correct)
rólegur quiet
slæmur bad
sléttur smooth
stór big
stuttur short (not long)
þurr dry
þröngur narrow
þunnur thin
þykkur thick
ungur young

Here are some flashcards to help you learn these icelandic adjectives.


More Learning Resources

This section contains a list of resources to help you learn to speak the Icelandic language.

Wikipedia has an overview of Icelandic grammar. Icelandic grammar is a bit complicated and will take a bit of time to learn. Concentrate on mastering the common phrases and work on understanding the grammar at a pace you're comfortable with.

Google Translate provides Icelandic to English and English to Icelandic translations.

Project Gutenberg has some free Icelandic ebooks.

Iceland has a few online newspapers.

Listen to online radio to help improve your listening skills. Útvarp Saga