Spanish Adjectives


In this lesson of the Learn Spanish course, you'll learn how to use adjectives in the Spanish language. You'll also learn some useful Spanish sentence templates that you can use with adjectives to increase your ability to describe people and objects in Spanish.

This lesson also contains a list of some very common Spanish adjectives. Online flashcards and a quiz are included at the end of the lesson to help you learn the adjectives.

Spanish Grammar

Adjectives are words that are used to describe or provide extra information about a noun or pronoun. Some adjectives describe how much or how many of a noun there is, such as poco, alguno, mucho, and todo.

Adjectives in Spanish are a bit more complicated than in English. Whereas in English there is only one form of an adjective, in Spanish an adjectives has different forms depending on the gender of the noun it describes, and whether the noun is singular or plural. Adjectives in Spanish usually follow the noun they describe.

The following rules will help in using Spanish adjectives correctly.

  • Many adjectives end in o when referring to a singular masculine noun and a when referring to a singular feminine noun.
  • Adjectives that end in an e or a consonant, have the same form for masculine and feminine nouns.
  • When referring to a plural noun, adjectives add an s or es to the end.


El hombre enojado The angry man
Los hombres enojados The angry men
La mujer enojada The angry woman
Las mujeres enojadas The angry women
La mujer feliz The happy woman
Las mujeres felices The happy women
El hombre feliz The happy man
Los hombres felices The happy men
Tu amiga está cansada. Your friend (female) is tired.
Tu amigo está cansado. Your friend (male) is tired.


A few adjectives precede the noun they modify, such as mucho (much) and poco (few, little). Alguno (some) and ninguno (not any, no) also often precede the noun they modify. When preceding a singular masculine noun, they are shortened to algún and ningún.


pocas personas few people
pocos niños few children
mucho trabajo a lot of work
muchas mujeres many women
un gran hombre a great man
una grande mujer a great woman
una taza grande a big cup
el primer piso the first floor
algunas personas some people
ningún hombre no man
ningunos hombres no men

The adjective grande means great when it precedes a noun and big when it follows a noun. When preceding a singular, masculine noun, grande is shortened to gran.

Spanish Vocabulary

Here is a list of some very common Spanish adjectives. Since these are very common words, it is a good idea to memorize them.

agradable kind, nice
alto tall
amable friendly, nice
ancho wide
áspero rough
bajo low
blando soft
brillante bright
bueno good
caliente hot
cansado tired
claro light (not dark)
cómodo comfortable
correcto right (correct)
corto short, brief
delgado thin
difícil hard (difficult)
duro hard
enojado angry
estrecho narrow
fácil easy
feliz happy
frío cold
fuerte strong, loud
grande big
grueso thick, course
hermoso beautiful
incorrecto wrong
interesante interesting
joven young
largo long
lento slow
ligero light (not heavy)
limpio clean
liso smooth
lleno full
malo bad
mojado wet
nuevo new
oscuro dark
pequeño small
pesado heavy
rápido fast
ruidoso noisy
seco dry
sucio dirty
tranquilo quiet
triste sad
vacío empty
viejo old


Spanish Phrases

Here are some useful sentence templates that you can use with adjectives. Learning these along with some common Spanish adjectives will greatly increase your ability to communicate in Spanish. Practice combining these sentence templates with the adjectives included in this lesson to help you remember them.

Note: All questions start with a ¿ and end with a ?.

Estoy ___. I am ___. (emotional state, temporary condition)
Soy ___. I am (more permanent attributes)
Estoy muy ___. I am very ___.
Estoy demasiado ___. I am too ___.
¿Estás ___? Are you ___? (familiar)
Es ___. It is ___.
Es muy ___. It is very ___.
Es demasiado ___. It is too ___.
Ella es ___. She is ___. (more permanent condition)
Él está ___. He is ___. (emotional state, temporary condition)
Me siento ___. I feel ___.
Se siente muy ___. He/She feels very ___.
Parece tan ___. It seems so ___.
Parece demasiado ___. It seems too ___.


listen Estoy feliz. I am happy.
listen Estoy muy frío. I am very cold. (male)
listen Soy vieja. I am old. (female)
listen Soy demasiado viejo. I am too old. (male)
listen ¿Estás cansado? Are you tired? (to a male)
listen Ella está demasiado ruidosa. She is too noisy.
listen Él es alto. He is tall.

Adjective Flashcards

Here are some flashcards to help you learn the adjectives included in this lesson.


For each question, write out the sentence using the Spanish word for the adjective in parentheses.

El río es muy ___. (wide)

¿Por qué está tan ___? (sad)

El viento se siente tan ___. (cold)

Encontré una playa ___. (beautiful)

Estoy leyendo un libro ___. (interesting)

Esa casa es muy ___. (old)

La mesa es demasiado ___. (small)

Lucas parece muy ___. (happy)


Here is a quiz to help you learn the Spanish adjectives included in this lesson.