Date and Time


In this lesson you'll learn some Spanish words and phrases related to dates and times. This lesson contains the words for days of the week, months, seasons, and general expressions of time.

Flashcards and a quiz are included to help you learn the Spanish words and phrases related to dates and times.

Spanish Vocabulary

Days of the Week

Here are the Spanish words for the days of the week.

lunes Monday
martes Tuesday
miércoles Wednesday
jueves Thursday
viernes Friday
sábado Saturday
domingo Sunday


Here are the Spanish words for the months.

enero January
febrero February
marzo March
abril April
mayo May
junio June
julio July
agosto August
septiembre September
octubre October
noviembre November
deciembre December


Here are the Spanish words for the seasons.

la primavera the spring
el verano the summer
el invierno the winter
el otoño the fall, autumn

Expressions of Time

Here are some Spanish words related to time.

el día the day
la semana the week
el mes the month
el año the year
anoche last night
ayer yesterday
hoy today
todos los días every day
por día per day
por semana per week
por mes per month
la próxima semana next week
el próximo mes next month
el próximo año next year
por la mañana in the morning
esta noche tonight
por la noche at night
esta tarde this afternoon
por la tarde in the afternoon
el lunes on monday
los martes on tuesdays

Spanish Phrases

Here are some useful Spanish phrases related to date and time.

Sound ¿Qué hora es? What time is it?
Sound Es la una. It's 1:00.
Sound Es la una y veinte. It's 1:20.
Sound Son las cinco y media. It's 5:30.
Sound ¿A qué hora vas al trabajo? What time do you go to work?
Sound A las tres. At 3:00.
Sound La tienda abre a las siete de la mañana. The store opens at seven in the morning.
Sound Vamos a la siete de la noche. We're going at seven at night.
Sound ¿Qué haces los miércoles? What do you do on Wednesdays?
Sound ¿Qué fecha es? What's the date?
Sound Es el diez de abril. It's April tenth.
Sound ¿A qué hora comienza? What time does it start?
Sound ¿A qué hora termina? What time does it end?
Sound ¿Cuánto dura? How long will it last?
Sound Se está haciendo tarde. It's getting late.
Sound Llegaré dentro de poco. I'll be there soon.
Sound Llegas temprano. You're early.
Sound Llegas tarde. You're late.


Here are some flashcards to help you learn the Spanish words and phrases for days, months, and seasons, as well as phrases related to date and time.


Here is a quiz to help you learn the Spanish words and phrases for days, months, and seasons, as well as phrases related to date and time.