The Subjunctive Mood of Verbs


In this lesson of the Learn German course, you'll learn how to use the subjunctive mood of German verbs. In German this is called the konjunctiv.

You'll also learn some more useful German verbs. Online flashcards and a quiz are included in the lesson to help you learn these verbs.



The subjunctive mood is used to indicate uncertainty, a hypothetical situation, a situation contrary to reality, or to make a request more polite. For example:

  • I would go if I had enough money.
  • If I were you, I would go.
  • He talks as if he were really important.
  • Would you get me a coffee?

The subjunctive has two forms in German, konjunktiv I and konjunktiv II. The konjunktiv I form can be used when reporting what someone else said. The konjunktive II form is much more common in conversational German and is used to:

  • make a polite request
  • make a conditional statement
  • indicate a hypothetical situation.

Although all verbs have a konjunktiv II form, most verbs use the konjunktiv II form of werden as a helper verb, along with the infinitive of the verb.

The following table shows how to create the conditional of machen using the konjunctiv 2 form of werden.

machen make
ich würde machen I would make
du würdest machen you would make
er/sie/es würde machen he/she/it would make
wir würden machen we would make
ihr würdet machen you would make (plural)
sie würden machen they would make


Konjunktive II of other verbs

Along with werden, there are a few other verbs that are commonly used in the Konjunktiv II form.

The konjunktiv II form of the German verbs sein (would be) and haben (would have) is commonly used. The following table shows the konjunktiv II forms of these verbs.

sein haben
ich wäre hätte
du wärst hättest
er/sie/es wäre hätte
wir wären hätten
ihr wärt hättet
ihr wären hätten


Ich würde es kaufen, wenn ich genug Geld hätte. I would buy it if I had enough money.
Dann würde ich nicht gehen. Then I wouldn't go.
Dann hätte ich mehr Zeit. Then I would have more time.
Wenn ich du wäre, würde ich ___. If I were you, I would ___.

The German modal verbs are also often used in the konjunktiv II form. The konjunktive II forms of wollen and sollen are identical to the simple past tense.

dürfen können mögen müssen
ich dürfte könnte möchte müsste
du dürftest könntest möchtest müsstest
er/sie/es dürfte könnte möchte müsste
wir dürften könnten möchten müssten
ihr dürftet könntet möchtet müsstet
sie dürften könnten möchten müssten

Reported Speech

When reporting what someone else said, the Konjunktiv I form of the verb is sometimes used. It is mostly used in more formal speech such as is used in news reports. It is used much less in conversational German.

The following table shows the Konjunktiv I form of kommen. All verbs except sein follow the same pattern.

ich komme
du kommest
er/sie/es komme
wir kommen
ihr kommet
sie kommen

The verb sein is irregular in the konjunktiv I and is formed as follows.

ich sei
du seist
er/sie/es sei
wir seien
ihr seid
sie seien


Er sagt, dass er nächstes Jahr nach Berlin fliegen wolle. He says, that he wants to fly to Berlin next year.
Sie sagt, dass Hamburg einen wirklich tollen hafen habe. She says, that Hamburg has a really great harbor.
Sie meint, sie komme morgen. She says, she'll come tomorrow.

German Vocabulary

Here are some more common German verbs. The past tense and past participle of strong verbs are shown in parentheses.

bauen build
binden (band, gebunden) bind, tie
bitten um (bat, gebeten) ask for
brennen (brannte, gebrannt) burn
decken cover
drücken press
flüstern whisper
fragen ask
genießen (genoss, genossen) enjoy
gießen (goss, gegossen) pour
gleiten glide
graben (grub, gegraben) dig
greifen nach (griff, gegriffen) grasp at, grab at, reach for
hassen hate
kaufen buy
kochen cook
lehnen lean
lieben love
retten save, rescue
rollen roll
rutschen slide, slip
schieben push, shove
schleppen drag, tow
schreien shout, scream
schütteln shake
schweben float, drift
schwimmen (schwamm, geschommen) swim
sparen save (money, time)
treten (trat, getreten) step, kick
trocknen dry
(sich) verlangsamen slow down
wandern hike, wander
warten auf wait for
wechseln change, switch, exchange
wehen blow (wind)
wundern wonder
zeichnen draw
benutzen use


This section includes flashcards to help you learn the German verbs introduced in this lesson.


This quiz covers the German verbs introduced in this lesson. Each time you take the quiz the questions will be a bit different.