Adjective Suffixes


In this lesson of the Learn German course, you'll learn some more common German adjectives. You'll also learn some suffixes that are used to create adjectives. The grammar of German adjectives is discussed in the Adjectives lesson.

Online flashcards and a quiz are included in the lesson to help you learn the adjectives.


Creating adjectives from verbs

In German the past participle of many verbs can be used as an adjective.


Verb Adjective English
langweilen gelangweilt bored
beschäftigen beschäftigt busy, occupied
brauchen gebraucht used


A suffix is a letter or group of letters added to the end of a word.

In German there are several suffixes that can be added to nouns to convert them to adjectives. The most common of these suffixes are:

German Suffix Meaning
ig Characterized by, inclined to, has a lot of. Same as the English suffix y.
lich Same as the english suffix ly, but is used more often in German to create adjectives.
bar Capable of being, or full of. Often used in German where English uses the suffix able.
sam Similar to or same as. Same as English suffix some.
isch Same as English suffixes ish and ic.


German Adjectives

Here are some more very common German adjectives.

albern silly
alle all
andere other
anders different
ärgerlich annoying
aufgebracht upset
aufgeregt excited
beliebt popular
bequem comfortable
beschäftigt busy
besorgt worried
bunt colorful
dreckig dirty
dunkel dark
echt real
egoistisch selfish, egotistical
einsam lonely
etwas some
faul lazy
frei free, open, clear
freundlich friendly, kind
fröhlich cheerful
früh early
furchtbar awful
ganz entire, whole
geizig mean
gelangweilt bored
gemeinsam common
gesund healthy
gewöhnlich usual
glänzend shiny, glossy, glittering
gleich same
glücklich happy, lucky
haupt main
heiter cheerful, serene
hilfreich helpful
klar clear
klein small, little
kürzlich recent
langweilig boring
leer empty
mutig brave, courageous
natürlich natural
ruhig calm
sauber clean
schaurig scary
scheu shy
schläfrig sleepy
schrecklich terrible, horrible
selbstsüchtig selfish
selten rare
seltsam strange
sicher certain
sorgfältig careful (thorough)
tapfer brave, courageous
teuer expensive
trübe murky, dim
überfüllt crowded
üblich usual, customary, common
ungewöhnlich unusual
unmöglich impossible
verärgert annoyed
verletzt hurt
verrückt crazy
voll full
vorsichtig careful, cautious
wichtig important
wund sore
zäh tough

Adjective Flashcards

Here are some flashcards to help you learn the German adjectives included in this lesson.


For each question, write out the sentence using the German word for the adjective in parentheses.

Es ist sehr ___. (important)

Das ist eine ___ Aufgabe. (impossible)

Warum sind sie so ___? (excited)

Die Straßen sind ___. (empty)

Das ist ___! (crazy)

Es ist ein sehr ___ Restaurant. (crowded)

Das ist ein sehr ___ Auto. (small)

Die Nacht ist wirklich ___. (dark)

Practice writing sentences with the German adjectives included in this lesson. This will not only help you learn the adjectives, but will also help you to be able to think in German.

Here is a text area where you can practice writing German.


Here's an online quiz to help you learn the adjectives included in this lesson.