Instructions and Commands


In this lesson you'll learn how to give instructions, directions, commands and make requests in German using the imperative mood of German verbs.

You'll also learn some German words for the parts of the human body. Flashcards are included to help you learn the words included in this lesson.

Imperative Mood

The imperative mood is used to give instructions, directions, and orders. It can also be used to make requests. In German, an exclamation point is generally used with the imperative.

In German the imperative mood has familiar and polite forms, as well as different forms when talking to one person or more than one person.

Polite Form

The polite form of the imperative mood is used when talking to people you don't know very well, and in formal situations. The polite form is the same whether you're talking to one person or more than one person. The polite form of the imperative is the same as the polite form of "you", but with the pronoun Sie following the verb.

Polite Meaning
Kommen Sie! Come!
Tun Sie! Do!
Seien Sie! Be!

Familiar Form

The familiar form of the imperative is used with friends and family. The familiar imperative has two forms, one for when talking to one person and one for when talking to more than one person. As in English, the pronoun is usually not used, though it can be added for emphasis.

The following table shows the familiar form of the imperative for several common verbs.

singular Plural Meaning
sei seid be
Komm Kommt come
tu tut do
gib gebt give
glaub glaubt believe
kauf kauft buy
lern lernt learn
bring bringt bring

For the singular form of the imperative, an e can be optionally added to the end of most verbs. Some verbs like geben change the vowel in the stem of the verb for the singular form. In this case an e is never added to the end of the verb.

Bitte is often used with the imperative to make a request.


listen Gib mir das Buch! Give me the book! (to one person)
listen Gebt mir das Buch! Give me the book! (to more than one person)
listen Geben Sie mir das Buch! Give me the book! (polite)
listen Komm her! Come here! (to one person)
listen Kommt her! Come here! (to more than one person)
listen Kommen Sie her! Come here! (polite)
listen Tu das nicht! Don't do that! (to one person)
listen Tut das nicht! Don't do that! (to more than one person)
listen Tun Sie das nicht! Don't do that! (polite)
listen Bitte setzen Sie sich. Please sit down. (polite)
listen Hilf mir! Help me! (to one person)
listen Vergiß nicht! Don't forget. (to one person)
listen Mach schnell! Hurry up! (to one person)

Infinitive Form

This form is often seen on signs or heard in public announcements. It's also used in recipes. For example,

Zurückbleiben! Stand back.
Nicht Rauchen! No Smoking

Recipe Example

1 Heizen den Ofen auf 375ºF.
2 Mischen Zucker, Butter, Vanille und Ei in einer großen Schüssel.
3 Mehl, Backpulver und Salz einrühren.
4 Nüsse und Schokoladenstückchen einrühren.
5 Legen den Teig mit abgerundeten Esslöffeln in einem Abstand von etwa 5 cm auf ein nicht gefettetes Backblech.
6 Backen 8 bis 10 Minuten oder bis sie hellbraun sind.
7 Etwas abkühlen lassen und vom Backblech nehmen.
8 Auf Drahtgitter legen und abkühlen lassen.


The Human Body

Here are some common German words for the human body. For more German words and phrases related to the human body, have a look at the lesson The Human Body.

listen der Kopf (Köpfe) the head
listen die Haut (Häute) the skin
listen das Gesicht (er) the face
listen das Haar (e) the hair
listen das Auge the eye
listen die Augen the eyes
listen das Ohr the ear
listen die Ohren the ears
listen der Mund (Münder) the mouth
listen der Arm the arm
listen die Arme the arms
listen die Hand the hand
listen die Hände the hands
listen der Finger the finger
listen die Finger the fingers
listen der Daumen the thumb
listen die Daumen the thumbs
listen das Bein the leg
listen die Beine the legs
listen der Fuß the foot
listen die Füße the feet


Here are some flashcards to help you learn the words included in this lesson for people and the human body.


Write the formal, singular, and plural form of the imperative for each question.

____ hier! (kommen)

____ das nicht. (tun)

____ dankbar! (sein)

____ mir deine Jacke. (geben)

____ mir die Bücher. (bringen)


Here is a quiz to help you see how well you know the imperative mood of German verbs.