German Adverbs


In this lesson you'll learn some common German adverbs, as well as how to use adverbs in the German language.

Flashcards and a quiz are included to help you learn the adverbs included in this lesson.


Adverbs are words that are used to modify the meaning of verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.

In German many adjectives are used as adverbs. When adjectives are used as adverbs, the root form of the adjective is used without any grammatical endings.

Adverbs are placed in sentences in a similar manner to English.

Comparison of Adverbs

The comparative form of an adverb is formed by adding er to the end of the adverb.

The superlative form of the adverb is formed by putting am in front of the adverb and adding the suffix sten to the adverb.


Er ist schneller als sein Bruder. He is faster than his brother.
Wer von ihnen arbeitet am schnellsten? Which of them works the fastest?


German Adverbs

Adverbs of Place

da there
da drüben over there
dahin to there
dort there
draußen outside
hier here
irgendwo somewhere
irgendwohin to somewhere
nirgends, nirgendwo nowhere
überall everywhere

Adverbs of Frequency

immer always
gewöhnlich usually
jemals ever
manchmal sometimes
meistens mostly
mindestens at leat
nimmer never
oft often
selten seldom, rarely
später later
wenigstens at least

Adverbs of Time

bald soon
eher sooner
früh early
gestern yesterday
heute today
heute Abend tonight
jetzt now
kürzlich recently
morgen tomorrow
sofort immediately
spät late
spätestens at the latest
zur Zeit currently

Other Adverbs

äußerst extremely
bereits already
besonders especially
endlich finally
fast almost
ganz quite, really
gern gladly
glücklicherweise fortunately
höflich politely
kaum barely, hardly
langsam slowly
mehr more
minder less
nicht not
noch yet
nur only
sehr very, a lot
schlecht poorly, badly
schnell quickly
unglücklicherweise unfortunately
vielleicht maybe, perhaps
vorsichtig carefully
wahrscheinlich probably
wenig little, not much
ziemlich quite, fairly
zu viel too much


je früher, desto besser the sooner the better
Er kommt meistens zu spät an. he usually arrives late.
Ich kann erst morgen kommen. The earliest I can come is tomorrow.
Er hat immer hunger. He's always hungry.
Sie ist nicht da. She isn't there.
Hier darf man nicht parken. You can't park here.
Wohin fährst du? Where are you going?
Das kostet zu viel. That costs too much.

Adverb Flashcards

Here are some flashcards to help you learn the adverbs included in this lesson.


Here is an online quiz to help you learn the German adverbs that are included in this lesson. The questions will be a bit different each time you take the quiz.