Verb Prefixes


Prefixes can be added to German verbs to alter the meaning of the verb. Some of these prefixes stay attached to the verb, and some separate from the verb in certain conditions. In this lesson you'll learn some very common German verbs that have separable and/or inseparable prefixes.

Flashcards and a quiz are included in the lesson to help you learn the German separable and inseparable verbs that are introduced in this lesson.


In German prefixes are added to verbs to give the verbs new meanings. Some of these prefixes always stay attached to the verb, and others separate from the verb in certain cases.

Inseparable verbs

The prefixes be, emp, ent, er, ge, miss, ver, and zer are called inseparable verbs, because these prefixes always stay attached to the verb stem.

Some prefixes such as durch, über, unter, and wieder, are inseparable when they give the verb a figurative meaning, and separable when they are used literally.

Verbs with inseparable prefixes do not add the ge prefix to create the past participle.

Here are some common German verbs with inseparable prefixes. The past tense and past participle are shown in parentheses for strong verbs.

bedeuten mean
sich beeilen hurry
verbringen spend (time)
entdecken discover
verfolgen persue, follow
erklären explain
beobachten observe
berühren touch
bestehen pass, persist
entstehen originate
gestehen confess
verstehen understand
entfallen fall out of, slip
gefallen like, be pleasing
verfallen decline, fall into disrepair
zerfallen fall apart
verkaufen sell
verlassen (verließ, verlassen) leave
entscheiden (entschied, entschieden) decide
verschütten spill
verstecken hide
versuchen try, attempt
betreten (betrat, betreten) enter, go into
bewegen move
antworten answer
erwarten expect
erstaunen amaze
überzeugen convince


Ich habe das examen bestanden. I passed the exam.
Er gestand alles. He confessed everything.
Sie wird das Problem verstehen. She'll understand the problem.
Sein Name ist mir entfallen. His name slipped my mind.
Das kleid hat ihr gefallen. She liked the dress.
Das Haus ist verfallen. The house has fallen into disrepair.

Separable Prefixes

Some prefixes separate from the verb in certain conditions. These prefixes are made up of prepositions, adverbs, and sometimes also adjectives and verbs.

When the infinitive form of the verb is used with zu, it is added between the prefix and the stem of the verb. For example, anzukommen.

For the past participle, the ge prefix is added between the prefix and the stem of the verb. For example the past participle of ankommen is angekommen.

The prefix of a separable verb is always moved to the end of a main clause, when the verb is in the present tense, past tense, or imperative.

In a dependent clause, the prefix is never separated from the stem of the verb.

Some common separable prefixes are:

auf up, open
aus out
ein in, into
fort away, forth
heim home
her toward
hin there, away from
mit with, along
nach after
nieder down
vor before
weg away
zu to, close
zurück back
zusammen together

Here are some common German verbs with separable prefixes. The past tense and past participle are shown in parentheses for strong verbs.

anfangen (fing an, angefangen) start
ausgeben spend (money)
eingeben (gab ein, eingegeben) enter, input
fortgehen go away, go forth
aufheben pick up (from floor)
hochheben lift
aufhören stop
zuhören listen, listen in
zurückkehren return
sich hinlegen lie down
anmachen turn on (light, etc.)
aufmachen open up
ausmachen turn off (light, etc.)
(sich) ausruhen rest
umrühren stir
anschauen look at
abschließen (schloss ab, abgeschlossen) lock
ansehen (sah an, angesehen) look at
aussehen (sah aus, ausgesehen) appear, seem, look (like)
zusehen watch
sich vorstellen imagine
anziehen put on


Ich gehe oft aus. I often go out.
Geht ihr morgen mit? Are you going along tomorrow?
Sie ging abends spazieren. They used to go for a walk in the evening.
Kommt bald zurück! Come back soon!
Ich will anfangen. I want to start.
Ich bin nicht bereit anzufangen. I'm not ready to start.
Ich werde nicht ausgehen. I won't go out.
Der zug ist endlich angekommen. The train has finally arrived.
Ich hatte es schon aufgemacht. I had already opened it.
Sie hatte das Licht ausgemacht. She had turned out the light.
Ich weiß, dass er bald ankommt. I know that he's coming soon.
Sie weiß, warum ich mitgehen werde. She knows, why I'm going along.
Ich weiß, das er abgeschrieben hatte. I know that he had cheated.

Verb Flashcards

Here are some flashcards to help you learn the separable and inseparable verbs included in this lesson.


Here's an online quiz to help you learn common German separable and inseparable verbs.