
Color Wheel

In this lesson you'll learn the German words for common colors. The words for colors can be either nouns or adjectives. When used as adjectives, they require the same grammatical endings as other adjectives.

Online flashcards are included to help you learn the German words for colors.

Take the online quiz at the end of the lesson to see how well you know the German words for colors. You can take the quiz as many times as you like.

Die Farben (The Colors)

Gelb (Yellow)
Blau (Blue)
Marineblau (Navy)
Weiß (White)
Grau (Grey)
Braun (Brown)
Orange (Orange)
Schwarz (Black)
Purpor (Purple)
Rot (Red)
Dunkelrot (Dark Red)
Rosa (Pink)
Grün (Green)
Hellgrün (Light Green)
Magenta (Magenta)
Cyan (Cyan)



Here are some flashcards to help you learn the German words for common colors.


Write out the sentence using the German word for the color in parentheses.

Der Himmel ist ___. (blue)
Der Hund ist ___. (black)
Das Haus ist ___. (green)
Das Hemd ist ___. (red)
Die Katze ist ___. (grey)
Die Jacke ist ___. (brown)
Die Blume ist ___. (pink)


Here is an online quiz to help you learn the German words for colors. You can take the quiz as many times as you like. Press the start button to begin.