Present Tense of Swedish Verbs


In this lesson you'll learn some more very common Swedish phrases, as well as some more tips on how to pronounce Swedish.

You'll also learn the Swedish words for some common colors.

A short conversation in Swedish is included to help you learn how to speak conversational Swedish.

Flashcards are included at the end of the lesson to help you learn the Swedish phrases and words for colors introduced in this lesson.

Swedish Subject Pronouns

The following table shows the subject form of Swedish pronouns.

Swedish English
jag (Note: The final g is often not pronounced.) I
du you (refering to a single person)
han he
hon she
vi we
i you (when refering to more than one person)
de (usually pronounced dom) they

Present Tense of Swedish Verbs

Verbs are words that describe an action, state of being, or occurrence. Verbs have different tenses that indicate when the action happens. In this lesson, you'll learn about the present tense of Swedish verbs.

The present tense of a verb is used to talk about actions that are currently happening as well as habitual actions. The present tense of most verbs is formed by adding r to the end of the infinitive form of the verb. The infinitive is the form of a verb shown in dictionaries. For some verbs the ending a of the infinitive is replaced by er. There a few irregular verbs in the present tense as well. Examples of the present tense are given below.

To make a negative statement add inte after the verb.

To make a question, put the subject of the sentence after the verb.


Kalla, which means to call, is an example of a verb that forms its present tense by adding r to the infinitive.

Swedish English
jag kallar I call
du kallar you call (referring to one person)
han kallar he calls
hon kallar she calls
vi kallar we call
i kallar you call (referring to more than one person)
de kallar they call


stänga, which means to close, is an example of a verb that forms its present tense by adding er to the stem of the verb.

Swedish English
jag stänger I close
du stänger you close (referring to one person)
han stänger he close
hon stänger she close
vi stänger we close
i stänger you close (referring to more than one person)
de stänger they close

Common Verbs

The present tense of some common Swedish verbs is shown below. Not the irregular present tense for the verbs vara, veta, vilja, and kunna.

Infinitve Present Tense English
går go
ge ger give
komma kommer come
kunna kan be able, can
spela spelar play
ta tar take
tala talar speak
veta vet know
vara är be
vilja vill want

Swedish Phrases

Here are some very common Swedish phrases along with the English equivalent. Press the audio icon to hear how the phrase is pronounced.

Swedish English
Listen Var försiktig! Be careful!
Listen Kom hit. Come here.
Listen Kom in. Come in.
Listen Oroa dig inte! Don't worry!
Listen Lycka till! Good Luck!
Listen Jag kan inte tro det! I can't believe it!
Listen Jag vet inte. I don't know.
Listen Det är viktigt. It's important.
Listen Vad betyder det? What does that mean?



Read the following conversation between Nils, Erik, and Ana.


Nils och Maja är på väg till en restaurang för att äta lunch. På vägen ser de Nils kompis Erik.

Nils: Hej Erik. Hur går det?

Erik: Bra.

Nils: Det här är Maja. Hon är från Göteborg.

Erik: Trevligt att träffa dig Maja.

Maja: Trevligt att träffa dig också. Är du hungrig? Vi ska äta lunch.

Erik: Jag är hungrig, men jag måste tillbaka till jobbet. Vi ses kanske senare.

Maja: Hejdå.

Nils: Nu går vi. Lars är redan där.


Nils and Maja are walking to a restaurant for lunch. On the way they see Nils' friend Erik.

Nils: Hi Erik. How's it going?

Erik: Good.

Nils: This is Maja. She is from Göteborg.

Erik: Nice to meet you.

Maja: Nice to meet you too. Are you hungry? We're going for lunch.

Erik: I'm hungry, but I have to go back to work. Maybe we can meet up later.

Maja: Bye.

Nils: Let's go. Lars is already at the restaurant.

People and Family

In this section you'll learn some common Swedish words for people and family.

en man a man
män men
en kvinna a woman
kvinnor women
en flicka a girl
flickor girls
en pojke a boy
pojkar boys
ett barn a child
barn children
en familj a family
en mor a mother
en far a father
en syster a sister
systrar sisters
en bror the brother
bröder brothers
en son a son
söner sons
en dotter a daughter
döttrar daughters


Here are some flashcards to help you learn the Swedish phrases, the present tense of verbs, and the Swedish words for people and family included in this lesson.