Adjectives - Learn Swedish


Adjectives are words that are used to describe or provide extra information about a noun or pronoun. In this lesson you'll learn how to use adjectives in the Swedish language. You'll also learn some common Swedish adjectives. Useful sentence templates to use with adjectives are also included.

Online flashcards and a quiz are included to help you learn the Swedish adjectives included in this lesson.

Regular Adjectives

Swedish adjectives have different endings, based on the noun they modify. For example, the adjective grön, which means green has the following forms:

  • grön when used with nouns that use the indefinite article “en”
  • grönt when used with nouns that use the indefinite article “ett”
  • gröna when used with plural nouns or nouns with the definite article.


en grön kopp
a green cup

ett grönt hus
a green house

gröna hus
green houses

det gröna huset
the green house

Irregular Adjectives

The Swedish adjective for small is irregular.

  • liten when used with nouns that use the indefinite article “en”
  • litet when used with nouns that use the indefinite article “ett”
  • små when used with plural nouns or plural nouns with the definite article
  • lilla when used with singular nouns with the definite article


ett litet hus
a small house

det lilla huset
the small house

de små husen
the small houses


Swedish Phrases

Here are some useful sentence templates that you can use with adjectives. Practice combining these with the adjectives included in this lesson to help you improve your Swedish communication skills.

Jag är [adjective]. I am [adjective].
Är du [adjective]? Are you [adjective]? (singular)
Är ni [adjective]? Are you [adjective]? (plural)
Hon är [adjective]. She is [adjective].
Är hon [adjective]. Is she [adjective].
De är inte [adjective]. They are not [adjective].
Det är ganska [adjective]. It is quite [adjective].
Det är verkligen [adjective]. It is really [adjective].
Det är mycket [adjective]. It is very [adjective].
Det är så [adjective]. It is so [adjective].

Swedish Vocabulary

Here are some very common Swedish adjectives.

bred wide
fel wrong
gammal old
hård hard
hög high, loud, tall
högljud noisy
ledsen sad
liten small, little, short (not tall)
ljus bright, light
lycklig happy
låg low
lång long
långsam slow
mjuk soft
mörk dark
ojämn rough
rätt right (correct)
slät smooth
smal narrow, slim
snabb fast
stor big
tjock thick
torr dry
trevlig nice
trång narrow, tight, cramped
trött tired
tunn thin
tyst quiet, silent
ung young
vacker beautiful
våt wet


Here are some flashcards to help you learn these common Swedish adjectives.

Read and Listen

Ja och Nej

Here is a small section from the story "Yes and No" by Helena Nyblom. Listen to it while reading it to help you improve your Swedish comprehension.

Ja och Nej Yes and No
Han var en svartskäggig och svartögd man, stor och stark och skicklig till allt arbete. Ett gott förstånd hade han också, och hans ord var att lita på, men hans vilja var så hård som stångjärnet i hans smedjor, ja, ännu hårdare. Ty när stångjärnet blev glödgat och hamrarna började dansa på det, kunde till och med de hårdaste stänger böja sig, men hade Rolf en gång sagt: Jag vill! eller: Jag vill icke! så kunde ingen mänsklig makt förmå honom att ändra beslut. He was a black-bearded and black-eyed man, big and strong and accomplished all the work. A good sense he had, too, and his word was to be trusted, but his will was so hard as rod iron in his smithy, yes, even harder. For when the iron rod was annealed and hammers began to dance on it, could even with the toughest closing bow down, but had Rolf once said: I want to! or: I don't want to! so could not a human power cause him to change his decision.


Take this quiz to see how well you know the Swedish adjectives introduced in this lesson.