Making Comparisons in Swedish


In this lesson you'll learn how to make comparisons in Swedish. You'll also learn some more common Swedish adjectives.

At the end of the lesson is a short story in both Swedish and English to help you improve your comprehension of written Swedish.

Online flashcards and a quiz are included to help you learn the Swedish adjectives included in this lesson.

Comparative and Superlative

The comparative and superlative forms of adjectives are used when comparing one thing to another. For the comparative form, the suffix are is added to the end of the adjective. for the superlative form, the suffix ast is added to the end of the adjective.

Similar to English, mer and mest can be used instead for adjectives of more than three syllables.

grön green
comparative grönare greener
superlative grönast greenest

Note: When the superlative form precedes a noun, an e is added to the end.


Jag springer snabbare än dig. I run faster than you.
Jag är snabbast av alla. I am the fastest of all.
Hon har den snabbaste bilen. She has the fastest car.

Irregular Comparisons

Several adjectives in Swedish have irregular comparative and superlative forms. The following table shows these irregular adjectives.

comparative superlative English
bra bättre bäst good
god bättre bäst good
dålig värre värst bad
gammal äldre äldst old
liten mindre minst small
låg lägre lägst low
många fler flest many
stor större störst big/great
ung yngre yngst young


Hans hus är det största i staden. His house is the biggest in the city
Hon är bättre på att spela fotboll än jag. She is **better** at playing football than me.
Han är äldre än jag. He is older than I am.
Jag är yngst i klassen. I am the youngest in the class

To learn more about using adjectives in Swedish, have a look at the lesson on the grammar of adjectives.

Swedish Vocabulary

The following is a list of some very common Swedish adjectives.

arg angry
bra good
dålig bad
enkel simple
het hot
intressant interesting
kall cold
kort short (not long)
lätt light (not heavy)
ny new
svår hard (difficult)
varm hot, warm



Here are some flashcards to help you learn the Swedish adjectives included in this lesson.


Take this quiz to see how well you know the Swedish adjectives introduced in this lesson.