Common French Phrases

Common phrases

In this lesson of the Aderalingua French Vocabulary course, you'll learn some useful French phrases. These phrases will be very helpful in everyday French conversations, so it's a good idea to review this lesson often. Learning these phrases will go a long way towards helping you communicate in the French language.

Online flashcards and a quiz are included at the end of the lesson to help you learn these useful French phrases.



Listen to each of the following sentences and practice speaking them. The approximate pronunciation is given in parentheses.

Sound Oui.
Sound Non.
Sound Le plus tôt possible.
(luh plew toe possibluh)
As soon as possible.
Sound Êtes-vous sûr?
(et voo sewr)
Are you sure?
Sound Puis-je vous aider?
(pweezh vouzayday)
Can I help you?
Sound Pouvez-vous m'aider?
(poovay voo mayday)
Can you help me?
Sound Le voulez-vous?
(luh voolay voo)
Do you want it?
Sound Viens avec moi.
(vyen avec mwah)
Come with me.
Sound Pouvez-vous me dire ___?
(poovay voo muh deer)
Can you tell me ___?
Sound Est-ce que vous les connaissez?
(eskuh voo lay connessay)
Do you know them?
Sound Est-ce que vous le voyez?
(eskuh voo luh voyay)
Do you see it?
Sound Ne vous inquiétez pas!
(ne vooz ankyaytay pah)
Don't worry!
Sound Pardon.
Excuse me.
Sound Bonne chance!
(bon shons)
Good Luck!
Sound Il est en route.
(eel et on root)
He's on his way.
Sound Combien ça coûte?
(konbyan sa koot)
How much is it?
Sound Je peux le faire. I can do it.
Sound Je ne peux pas le croire! I can't believe it!
Sound Je n'ai pas le temps.
(juh nay pah luh tan)
I don't have time.
Sound Je n'aime pas.
(juh nem pas)
I don't like it.
Sound Je ne sais pas.
(juh nuh seh paw)
I don't know.
Sound Je me sens mieux. I feel better.
Sound Je l'ai trouvé. I found it.
Sound Je crois que oui. I think so.
Sound Je comprends.
(juh conpron)
I understand.
Sound Je ne comprends pas.
(juh nuh conpron paw)
I don't understand.
Sound Je suis désolé.
(juh swee dayzolay)
I'm sorry.
Sound J'en ai l'habitude. I'm used to it.
Sound Est-ce que c'est loin? Is it far?
Sound Est-ce que c'est vrai? Is that true?
Sound C'est facile.
(set faseel)
It's easy.
Sound C'est ici.
(set eesee)
It's here.
Sound C'est l'heure de partir. It's time to go.
Sound C'est trop tard. It's too late.
Sound C'est vrai. It's true.
Sound Allons-y. Let's go.
Sound S'il vous plaît.
(seel voo pleh)
Please. (polite)
Sound S'il te plaît.
(seel te pleh)
Please. (informal)
Sound Tout de suite.
(too de suit)
Right now.
Sound Merci.
Sound Merci beaucoup.
(mehrsee bohcoo)
Thank you very much.
Sound C'est correct. That's correct. / That's right.
Sound C'est bien. That's fine.
Sound C'est intéressant. That's interesting.
Sound Mais oui!
(meh we)
That's right!
Sound Pensez-y. Think about it.
Sound On verra. We'll see.
Sound Que se passe-t-il?
(kuh suh pasteel)
What's going on?
Sound Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?
(kesskee nuh vah pah)
What's wrong?
Sound Qu'est-ce que vous avez dit?
(kesskuh voozavay dee)
What did you say?
Sound Qu'en pensez-vous?
kan pansay voo)
What do you think?
Sound Qu'est-ce que c'est?
(kesskuh seh)
What is that?
Sound Quelle heure est-il?
(kell eur eteel)
What time is it?
Sound Où allez-vous?
(oo allayvoo)
Where are you going?
Sound Où est-elle?
(oo et ell)
Where is she?


Here are some flashcards to help you learn the useful French phrases included in this lesson.


Here are some practice questions to help you learn the useful French phrases included in this lesson.

Drag the French word on the right to the matching phrase on the left.

1) Le plus
avec moi.
3) Bonne
4) Combien ça
5) Je
le faire
6) Je ne peux
le croire!
7) C'est
8) Je
9) Que
10) Quelle


Here is an online quiz to help you learn the common French phrases introduced in this lesson. Each time you take the quiz, the questions will be a bit different. Press the start button to begin.