French Adjectives

Maison Carrée in Nîmes

Adjectives are words that are used to describe or provide extra information about a noun or pronoun. In this lesson, you'll learn how to use adjectives in the French language.

A list of very common French adjectives is also included in this lesson, as well as online flashcards to help you learn the adjectives.


French adjectives change to agree in gender and number with the nouns that they modify. There can be up to four forms of each adjective. The following table shows an example.

Adjective petit (small)
Masculine singularpetit
Feminine singularpetite
Masculine pluralpetits
Feminine pluralpetites

The e, s and es endings are not pronounced, but if the masculine form of the adjective ends in a silent consonant, the e, and es in the feminine forms will cause that consonant to be pronounced. For example the final t in petit is not pronounced, but it is pronounced in petite.

If the adjective already ends in e in the masculine form, then the feminine forms will be the same.

Adjectives generally follow the noun they modify, but there are a few exceptions, as shown in the following table.

bon(ne) good
court(e) short
grand(e) big
gros(se) large, big
jeune young
joli(e) pretty, nice
mauvais(e) bad
petit(e) small, little


Je suis fatigué. I am tired.
Elle est heureuse. She is happy.
Est-elle heureuse ? Is she happy?
Elle n'est pas contente. She is not happy.
Le livre est vieux. The book is old.
Le vieux livre est intéressant. The old book is interesting.
L'oreiller épais et moelleux tomba sur le sol. The thick, soft pillow fell onto the floor.
Il marche le long de la plage rocheuse par une nuit sombre et orageuse. He walks along the rocky beach on a dark and stormy night.
Il est mouillé et froid. He is wet and cold.



The following is a list of some very common French adjectives. The masculine singular form of the adjective is given.

en colère angry
mauvais bad
gros, grand big
beau beautiful
brillant bright
froid cold
sombre dark
sec dry
rapide fast
bon good
heureux happy
dur hard
difficile hard (difficult)
haut high
chaud hot
intéressant interesting
léger light (not heavy)
clair light (not dark)
long long
bruyant loud
faible, bas low
étroit narrow
nouveau new
agréable nice
bruyant noisy
vieux old
calme, tranquille quiet
juste right (correct)
rude rough
triste sad
court short (not long)
petit short (not tall)
lent slow
petit small
lisse smooth
doux soft
grand, haut tall
épais thick
mince thin
fatigué tired
humide wet
large wide
faux wrong, false
injuste wrong (bad, unfair)
jeune young


Le lac est très beau.
Le lac est très beau.
Il y a de hautes montagnes autour de la petite maison rouge.
Il y a de hautes montagnes autour de la petite maison rouge.


Here are some flashcards to help you learn the French adjectives included in this lesson.