Aderalingua English


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英語を学ぶ 2


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Person studying english

レッスン 1 - Say Hello

Coffee and notebook on a desk

レッスン 2 - 役立つフレーズ

1) さらに便利なフレーズを学びましょう。
2) 1 から 10 までの数字の英単語を学びましょう。
Two girls studying in a university library

レッスン 3 - 名詞

1) Nouns
2) Common English words related to people
Pedestrian street in a city

レッスン 4 - To Be

1) Learn the English pronouns.
2) Learn the verb be.
A bench in a park

レッスン 5 - Present Tense

1) Learn the present tense of verbs.
2) Learn the English words for colours.

レッスン 6 - 質問する方法

1) Learn the verb do.
2) Learn how to ask questions.
TV store

レッスン 7 - 形容詞

1) Learn how to use adjectives in English.
2) Learn some common English adjectives.

Past and Future

clothing store

レッスン 8 - 副詞

1) Learn how to use adverbs in English.
2) Learn some common English adverbs.
Movie theatre

レッスン 9 - Future Tense

1) Learn how to express future actions.
2) Learn English words related to date and time.
Camping at a lake

レッスン 10 - Past Tense

1) Learn how to express actions that happened in the past.
2) Learn English words and phrases related to weather.

Lesson 11 - Present Perfect Tense

1) The Past Participle
2) The Present Perfect Tense
English Bay in Vancouver

Lesson 12 - Past Progressive Tense

1) The past progressive tense.
2) Food and Drink

This and That

Drinking coffee in a cafe

Lesson 13 - Comparisons

1) Learn how to make comparisons.
Juniper Ridge

Lesson 14 - Conditional Statements

1) Conditional Statements.
2) The verb phrase be supposed to.
Granville island in Vancouver

Lesson 15 - Commands and Instructions

1) Commands, Directions and Instructions.
2) Vancouver travel video. City vocabulary
Seattle skyline

Lesson 16 - Abstract Nouns

1) Abstract nouns
2) Words and phrases related to hotels and accommodation.

Lesson 17 - Prepositions

1) English words for common animals.
2) Prepositions
English Bay Vancouver

Lesson 18 - This and That

1) The demonstrative pronouns this and that.
2) Infinitives and Gerunds

Lesson 19 - Modal Verbs

1) Modal Verbs
2) House Vocabulary
Meeting room

Lesson 20 - Past Perfect Tense

1) The Past Perfect Tense
2) More Past Participles

Lesson 21 - Phrasal Verbs

1) Phrasal Verbs
2) English words related to transportation.

Lesson 22 - Suffixes for Creating Adjectives

1) Suffixes for Creating Adjectives
2) Kitchen Vocabulary
