レッスン 7 - 形容詞


このレッスンでは、英語で形容詞を使用する方法を学びます。 また、いくつかの一般的な英語の形容詞も学びます。 フラッシュカードは、レッスンに含まれる形容詞を学ぶのに役立ちます。





Sarah and Cathy are in a store looking at new televisions.

Cathy: That's a nice TV.

Sarah: It's on sale for only $250.

Cathy: That's a great deal!

Sarah: Look at how big that TV is.

Cathy: I bet it's very expensive.

Sarah: Yeah, and my apartment is too small anyway.

Cathy: Let's check out some other stores.


Listen It's on sale. それはセール品です。
Listen That's a great deal! それは素晴らしいお買い得です!
Listen Let's check out ___. ___をチェックしてみましょう。
Listen TV, television テレビ
Listen expensive 高価な
Listen to look at 外を見る
Listen to like 好む
Listen yeah うん



Listen angry 怒って
Listen bad 悪い
Listen big 大きい
Listen beautiful 美しい
Listen bright 明るい
Listen dark ダーク
Listen dry ドライ
Listen fast 速い
Listen good 良い
Listen happy ハッピー
Listen interesting 面白い
Listen long ロング
Listen nice ナイス
Listen noisy うるさい
Listen old 古い
Listen sad 悲しい
Listen short ショート
Listen slow 緩慢, 遅い
Listen soft 柔らかい
Listen small 小さい
Listen tall 高い, 背が高い
Listen thick 太い
Listen thin 薄い
Listen tired 疲れた
Listen wet ウエット
Listen wide ワイド
There are tall mountains behind the small, red house.
There are tall mountains behind the small, red house.



An adjective is a word that describes or gives more information about a noun or pronoun. Adjectives come before the noun they modify, unless they are linked to the noun by a linking verb.

The blue car. 青い車。
He walks along the rocky beach in the dark, stormy night. 彼は暗い嵐の夜に岩だらけのビーチに沿って歩きます。
The thick, soft pillow fell onto the floor. 厚くて柔らかい枕が床に落ちました。
The large black dog is barking. 大きな黒い犬が吠える。

A linking verb is a verb that describes a state of being or sensory experience. Some common linking verbs are to be, to look, to seem, to feel, and to smell. When the adjective is linked to the noun by a linking verb, the adjective is placed after the verb.

A very common sentence template in English is:
Subject + be + adjective.

The subject can be any person, place, or thing. Using this sentence template, you'll be able to describe objects in English.

To ask if an object has a certain characteristic or attribute, you can use the the following sentence template:
Be + subject + adjective?

To say that something does not have a characteristic, you can use the following sentence template:
Subject + be not + adjective.

I am tired. 本は古いです。
She is happy. 彼女は幸せだ。
Is she happy? 彼女は幸せですか?
She is not happy. 彼女は幸せではありません。
The book is old. 本は古いです。
The old book is interesting. 古い本は面白いです。
The night is dark and stormy. 夜は暗くて嵐です。
He is wet and cold. 彼は濡れて寒いです。

Some adjectives describe how much or how many of a noun there is, such as few, some, many, and all.

When two or more adjectives are used to describe a noun they are usually separated by the word and or a comma.

Joffre Lake
The lake is very beautiful.


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