レッスン 3 - 名詞


このレッスンでは、英語での名詞の使い方を学びます。 人々に関連する一般的な単語も学びます。 このレッスンは、2 人の友人間の短い会話から始まります。



Studying at the library.


Cathy and Sarah are studying at the university library.

Cathy: I have two books to read for my course.

Sarah: Are the books interesting?

Cathy: I like one of the books.

Sarah: Let me read the book when you are done.

Cathy: Sure. How many courses do you have?

Sarah: I have five courses, but one course only lasts for four weeks.



Cathy: 講座で読むべき本が2冊あります。

Sarah: 図書面白いですか?

Cathy: 私はその本の一つが好きです。

Sarah: 私は本を読んでみましょう。

Cathy: もちろん。 どのように多くコース?

Sarah: 私は5つのコースを持っていますが、1つのコースは4週間しか続きません。


Sound baby 赤ちゃん
Sound boy 男の子
Sound brother 兄, お兄さん, 弟, 弟さん
Sound child 子供
Sound children 子供
Sound daughter 娘, お嬢さん
Sound father 父, お父さん
Sound girl 女の子
Sound man おとこ
Sound men おとこ
Sound mother 母, お母さん
Sound people
Sound person
Sound sister 姉, お姉さん, 妹, 妹さん
Sound son 息子, 息子さん
Sound woman 女性たち, 女子
Sound women 女性たち, 女子
  Father      Baby      Mother



Nouns are words that refer to people, places, things and concepts. In English nouns can refer to one item (singular) or more than one item (plural). The plural of nouns is formed several different ways.

  1. Add an s to the end of the noun. This is the most common.
  2. Add es to nouns ending in s, x, z, ch, or sh.
  3. Nouns that end in y, preceded by a consonant, drop the y and add ies
  4. Some nouns that end in f or fe change the f to v as well as adding an s. (half - halves, knife - knives, leaf - leaves, life - lives, loaf - loaves, self - selves, shelf - shelves, thief - thieves, wolf - wolves, scarf - scarves)
  5. Change the spelling and pronunciation of the noun. (child - children, foot - feet, mouse - mice, man - men, goose - geese)
  6. A few nouns are the same for both the singular and plural form. (fish, deer, series, species)

Singular Plural
boat boats ボート
book books 本, 書物
course courses コース
match matches 試合, 匹敵
valley valleys
sky skies 空, 天空
child children 子供
man men おとこ
woman women 女性たち, 女子
mouse mice マウス
foot feet
tooth teeth
fish fish
Sailboat Sailboats
Leaf Leaves
Box Boxes

Definite and Indefinite Articles

Definite Article

The word the is one of the most common words in the English language. It is called the definite article and is used before a noun to indicate that the noun indicates a specific object or concept.

Indefinite Article

The word an is also very common in the English language. It is called the indefinite article and is used before a noun to indicate the noun is not referring to a specific object or concept, but that category of object in general. When the following word starts with a consonant, the n is dropped. The indefinite article is not used with plural nouns.

the boat ボート
the boats ボート
a boat ボート
boats ボート
an apple りんご
apples りんご
An Apple Apples


Hi. My name is Paul. I am fifteen years old. I have a brother. His name is Mark, and he is sixteen. I also have a sister. Her name is Sarah, and she is fourteen. My family lives in a house in San Francisco. Our house has four bedrooms and three bathrooms. There are two apple trees and a small garden in our back yard. こんにちは。 私の名前はポールです。 私は15歳です。 弟がいます。 彼の名前はマーク、16歳です。 私にも妹がいます。 彼女の名前はサラ、14歳です。 私の家族はサンフランシスコの家に住んでいます。 私たちの家にはベッドルームが 4 つとバスルームが 3 つあります。 私たちの裏庭には2本のリンゴの木と小さな庭があります。


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