第五课 - 现在时





Park Bench


Ashley and Eric are sitting on a bench in a park enjoying a warm summer day.

Eric: What a beautiful day!

Ashley: Yes. I can't believe how warm it is.

Eric: Look at all the people walking around the park.

Ashley: I hear that it is going to rain tomorrow, so people are taking advantage of the nice weather.

Eric: Well, as much as I enjoy sitting in the sunshine, I am getting very hungry.

Ashley: You're not the only one. Let's go.

Eric and Ashley stand up and walk towards the restaurant.



Eric: 多美好的一天。

Ashley: 是的。 我不敢相信这一天有多温暖。

Eric: 看看所有走在公园里的人。

Ashley: 我听说明天会下雨,所以人们享受了美好的天气。

Eric: 嗯,我喜欢坐在阳光下,我变得非常饿。

Ashley: 你并不是唯一的一个。 我们走吧。



Sound to sit
Sound park 公园
Sound to enjoy 享受
Sound warm
Sound summer 夏季
Sound What a beautiful day! 多美好的一天。
Sound I can't believe 我无法相信
Sound to walk 走, 步行
Sound It is going to rain tomorrow. 这是明天要下雨。
Sound sunshine 日照
Sound tomorrow 明天
Sound to take advantage of 利用
Sound weather 天气
Sound I am getting very hungry. 我变得非常饿。
Sound Let's go. 我们走吧。
Sound restaurant 餐厅, 餐馆


Colours (颜色)

注意: colour (UK spelling), color (US spelling).

Sound Yellow
Sound Blue
Sound Navy Blue
Sound White
Sound Grey
Sound Brown
Sound Orange
Sound Black
Sound Purple
Sound Red
Sound Pink
Sound Green
Sound Light Green
Sound Magenta
Sound Cyan


Verbs - Present Tense

A verb is a word that expresses an action, a condition or a state of being. In the English language, verbs have different tenses to indicate the time of the action. The present tense of a verb is used to indicates that an action, condition or state is:

  • currently happening
  • a general fact or truth
  • habitual, everyday, or expected to continue for an unknown amount of time into the future.
The following table shows the present tense for the regular verb walk. Most verbs follow this pattern.

To Walk (行走)

Listen I walk 我走
Listen you walk 你走
Listen he walks 他走
Listen she walks 她走
Listen it walks 它走
Listen we walk 我们走
Listen they walk 他们走
Andy and his son walk across the street.


Listen I see the cup. 我看到杯子。
Listen She reads the book. 她读的书。
Listen They think he is wrong. 他们认为他是错的。
Listen We believe you. 我们相信你。
Listen He sings a song. 他唱的一首歌。
She rides a bike.
She rides a bike.
Paul swims in the lake.
Paul swims in the lake.

Verbs - Present Progressive Tense

In English there is also the present progressive tense, also called the present continuous, to indicate that an action is happening in the present. This is is used to emphasize that an action is happening right at this moment, or is happening now but only for a short amount of time.

The present progressive tense is formed using to be with the verb, and adding ing to the end of the verb. For example I am walking. Contractions are often used in this case. For example I'm walking.

Listen I am walking 我走
Listen you are walking 你走
Listen he is walking 他走
Listen she is walking 她走
Listen it is walking 是走
Listen we are walking 我们走
Listen they are walking 他们走


Listen I'm walking to the store. 我走的商店。
Listen He's opening the door. 他开门。
Listen It's raining. 在下雨。
Listen We're waiting for you. 我们正在等你。
The cat is sleeping.
The cat is sleeping.
She is playing tennis.
Sarah is playing tennis.

To Have (拥有)

Have 英语中很常见的动词。这个动词在 present tense 是不规则的。下表显示了 have 在 present tense 的形式。

Listen I have 我有
Listen you have 你有
Listen he has 他有
Listen she has 她有
Listen it has 它有
Listen we have 我们有
Listen they have 他们有


Listen I have an apple. 我有一个苹果。
Listen She has black shoes. 她有黑色皮鞋。
Listen We have a new table. 我们有一个新表。
Listen You have a nice house. 你有一个漂亮的房子。
Listen He has a blue car. 他有一个蓝色的车。
Listen They have a grey cat. 他们有一个灰色的猫。
She has an apple.
She has an apple.
The boats have white sails.
The boats have white sails.



The day is warm and sunny. The sky is blue with a few white clouds. Mark walks along the shore, looking at the waves on the ocean and the boats in the distance. He hears people laughing. He turns to look and sees a family walking a black dog. Mark waves at the family, then walks towards a café he sees in the distance. He climbs up some stairs and walks along the grey sidewalk until he reaches the café. He enters the café and walks up to the counter.

"What would you like?", asks a lady with long, brown hair.

"How much are the muffins?", Mark asks.

"Two dollars and fifteen cents," she replies.

"A blueberry muffin and a large coffee please."

"That's four dollars and twenty cents," she says as she pours the coffee.

Mark pays the lady, then brings his coffee and muffin to a table outside. He takes a sip of his coffee as he looks at the ocean.


sunny 晴朗
sky 天空
ocean 海洋
distance 距离
hears 听见
sees 看到
family 家庭
climbs 爬上
sidewalk 人行道
reaches 到达
enters 进入
What would you like? 你想要什么?
hair 头 发
replies 回复
pours 倒, 倒入
pays 付款
brings 带来
table 桌子








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