第四课 - 形容词




An adjective is a word that describes or gives more information about a noun or pronoun. Adjectives come before the noun they modify unless they are linked to the noun by the verbs to be, to look, to seem, or to feel.

When the adjective is linked to the noun by the verb to be, to look, to seem, or to feel, the adjective is placed after the verb.


Sound angry 愤怒
Sound bad 不良
Sound big
Sound beautiful 美丽
Sound bright 光亮
Sound dark 黑暗
Sound dry
Sound fast
Sound good
Sound happy 快乐
Sound hard 硬, 困难
Sound heavy
Sound high
Sound interesting 有趣
Sound light 轻, 朗
Sound long
Sound loud
Sound low
Sound narrow
Sound new
Sound nice 和蔼
Sound noisy 嘈杂
Sound old
Sound quiet 安静
Sound right (correct) 正确
Sound rough
Sound sad 伤心
Sound slow 缓慢
Sound soft
Sound small
Sound short 短, 短
Sound smooth 光滑
Sound tall
Sound thick
Sound thin
Sound tired
Sound wet 潮湿
Sound wide
Sound wrong 错误
Sound young 年轻




A very common sentence template in English is:
Subject + be + adjective.

The subject can be any person, place, or thing. Using this sentence template, you'll be able to describe objects in English.

To ask if an object has a certain characteristic or attribute, you can use the the following sentence template:
Be + subject + adjective?

To say that something does not have a characteristic, you can use the following sentence template:
Subject + be not + adjective.

这是一些使用动词 be,adjectives 和 adverbs 的更常见的句子模板。

  • subject + is very + adjective.
  • subjects + are very + adjective.
  • subject + is really + adjective.
  • subjects + are really + adjective.
  • subject + is quite + adjective.
  • subjects + are quite + adjective.
  • subject + is so + adjective.
  • subjects + are so + adjective.
  • is + subject + really so + adjective?
  • are + subjects + really so + adjective?
  • subject + is pretty + adjective.
  • subjects + are pretty + adjective.

类似的模板可与动词 seem,feel 和 look 一起使用。

  • subject + seems really + adjective.
  • subject + looks very + adjective.
  • subject + feels so + adjective.


The pizza is very good. 比萨是非常好的。
The coffee is pretty strong. 咖啡很坚固。
The cookies are so good! 饼干是那么好!
Is it really so hard? 难道真的这么难吗?
She seems really nice. 她似乎真的很好。
I feel so tired. 我觉得这么累。
The ice feels so cold. 冰感觉如此寒冷。
They look pretty tired. 他们看起来很累。

Joffre Lake
The lake is very beautiful.



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