الدرس السادس - طرح الأسئلة


ستتعلم في هذا الدرس كيفية طرح الأسئلة باللغة الإنجليزية. تتعلم أيضًا كيفية تكوين جمل سلبية.




Eric and Tom are at a seminar for work. Tom stands up and puts on his jacket.

Eric: Where are you going?

Tom: I'm going to the store.

Eric: Can you get me some juice while you're there?

Tom: Sure. What kind of juice do you want?

Eric: I'd like some orange juice. Do you need some money?

Tom: No. You can pay me later.

المفردات والعبارات

Listen Where are you going? إلى أين تذهب؟
Listen I'm going to the store. وانا ذاهب الى المخزن.
Listen Can you get me some ___? يمكنك الحصول على لي بعض
Listen Do you need some ___? هل تحتاج الى بعض
Listen What kind of ___? ما هو نوع من
Listen I'd like some ___. أريد بعض ...
Listen store متجر
Listen juice عصير
Listen money المال
Listen to want ارادة
Listen to need بحاجة إلى
Listen to go للذهاب
Listen to pay لتدفع


Question Words

Sound how كيف
Sound what ما
Sound when متى
Sound where أين
Sound which التي
Sound who من
Sound whose لمن
Sound why لماذا


To Do (فعل)

The verb do in English is very common. Aside from its meaning of to act, cause, or perform an action, it is used to add emphasis to another verb. For example: I do eat healthy food.

Although most verbs can be used with do to add emphasis, there are some common verbs where this is not allowed, such as can, be, will, shall, and must.

The following table shows the present tense for the verb do.

do فعل
Listen I do
Listen you do
Listen he does
Listen she does
Listen it does
Listen we do
Listen they do

جملة سلبية

A negative statement is used to say that someting is not true. There are a few different ways to create negative statements.

To make a sentence negative the word "not" is added, the verb "do" is usally also added for emphasis. For example: I do not eat healthy food.

Do not is often contracted to "don't". For example: I don't eat healthy food.

Verbs such as "can", "be", "will", "shall", and "must" just add not. The following table shows the negative form of do, be and can, as well as any applicable contractions.

do be can
I do not, don't am not cannot, can't
you do not, don't are not, aren't cannot, can't
he does not, doesn't is not, isn't cannot, can't
she does not, doesn't is not, isn't cannot, can't
it does not, doesn't is not, isn't cannot, can't
we do not, don't are not, aren't cannot, can't
they do not, don't are not, aren't cannot, can't

Another way to make a negative statement is to add the word no before a noun in the sentence.


Listen I don't see the cup. أنا لا أرى الكأس.
Listen She doesn't read the book. وقالت انها لا تقرأ هذا الكتاب.
Listen They don't think he is wrong. لا أعتقد أنهم فهو مخطئ.
Listen I don't believe you. أنا لا أصدقك.
Listen He isn't happy. انه ليس سعيدا.
Listen I'm not walking to the store. أنا لا يمشي إلى المخزن.
Listen He doesn't open the door. لم يفتح الباب.
Listen It's not raining. انها لا تمطر.
Listen We can't wait for you. لا يمكننا الانتظار بالنسبة لك.
Listen I can't go today. لا أستطيع أن أذهب اليوم.

يسأل اسئلة

There are several ways to ask questions in English.

  1. Start the sentence with the verb "do" followed by the subject followed by the main verb of the sentence.
  2. Start the sentence with the main verb followed by the subject when the verb is "be", "will", "can", "may", "shall", or "must".
  3. Start the sentence with a question word such as "who", "where", "what", "when", "how", or "why".

Sentences that are questions end in a question mark "?" instead of a period "."


Listen Can you go to the store? هل تستطيع أن الذهاب الى المتجر؟
Listen Do you go to the store? هل تذهب إلى المتجر؟
Listen Does the store sell shoes? تبيع الأحذية المتجر؟
Listen Why do you go to the store? لماذا تذهب الى المتجر؟
Listen Is it possible? هل هو ممكن؟
Listen How is it possible? كيف يكون ذلك ممكنا؟
Listen Who goes to the theater? الذي يذهب إلى المسرح؟
Listen Why does it do that? لماذا يفعل ذلك؟
Listen Does he not wash the dishes? يغسل انه لا الأطباق؟
Listen When does the movie start? متى يبدأ الفيلم؟
Listen What is wrong? ما الخطأ؟


اضغط على أيقونة الصوت ، ثم اكتب الكلمة الإنجليزية أو الجملة التي تسمعها. اضغط على زر التحقق لمعرفة ما إذا كانت إجاباتك صحيحة.



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