الدرس الخامس - المضارع


هذا الدرس يقدم المضارع من الأفعال الإنجليزية. وقدم أيضا الكلمات الإنجليزية للألوان المشتركة.


Park Bench


Ashley and Eric are sitting on a bench in a park enjoying a warm summer day.

Eric: What a beautiful day!

Ashley: Yes. I can't believe how warm it is.

Eric: Look at all the people walking around the park.

Ashley: I hear that it is going to rain tomorrow, so people are taking advantage of the nice weather.

Eric: Well, as much as I enjoy sitting in the sunshine, I am getting very hungry.

Ashley: You're not the only one. Let's go.

Eric and Ashley stand up and walk towards the restaurant.

المفردات والعبارات

Sound to sit لأجلس
Sound park حديقة عامة
Sound to enjoy استمتع
Sound warm دافئ
Sound summer الصيف
Sound What a beautiful day! يا له من يوم جميل
Sound I can't believe لا أستطيع أن أصدق
Sound to walk مشى
Sound It is going to rain tomorrow. هو الذهاب الى المطر غدا
Sound sunshine إشراق
Sound tomorrow يوم غد / غدا
Sound to take advantage of للاستفادة من
Sound weather طقس
Sound I am getting very hungry. أنا على الحصول على جائع جدا
Sound Let's go. لنذهب.
Sound restaurant مطعم


Colours (الألوان)

Note: colour (UK spelling), color (US spelling).

Sound Yellow
Sound Blue
Sound Navy Blue
Sound White
Sound Grey
Sound Brown
Sound Orange
Sound Black
Sound Purple
Sound Red
Sound Pink
Sound Green
Sound Light Green
Sound Magenta
Sound Cyan


Verbs - Present Tense

A verb is a word that expresses an action, a condition or a state of being. Verbs have different forms to indicate if the action happened in the past, is currently happening, or will happen in the future. The present tense of a verb is used to indicate that an action, condition or state is:

  • currently happening
  • a general fact or truth
  • habitual, everyday, or expected to continue for an unknown amount of time into the future.
The following table shows the present tense for the regular verb walk. Most verbs follow this pattern.

To Walk (مشى)

Listen I walk انا امشى
Listen you walk انت تمشي
Listen he walks يمشي
Listen she walks تمشى
Listen it walks يمشي
Listen we walk نحن سيرا على الأقدام
Listen they walk أنهم يسيرون
Andy and his son walk across the street.


Listen I see the cup. أرى الكأس
Listen She reads the book. تقرأ الكتاب.
Listen They think he is wrong. انهم يعتقدون انه من الخطأ
Listen We believe you. نحن نؤمن لك.
Listen He sings a song. كان يغني أغنية
She rides a bike.
She rides a bike.
Paul swims in the lake.
Paul swims in the lake.

Verbs - Present Progressive Tense

In English there is also the present progressive tense, also called the present continuous, to indicate that an action is happening in the present. This is is used to emphasize that an action is happening right at this moment, or is happening now but only for a short amount of time.

The present progressive tense is formed using to be with the verb, and adding ing to the end of the verb. For example I am walking. Contractions are often used in this case. For example I'm walking.

Listen I am walking أنا على المشي الآن
Listen you are walking كنت المشي الآن
Listen he is walking كان يسير الآن
Listen she is walking هي يسير الآن
Listen it is walking يسير الآن
Listen we are walking ونحن نسير
Listen they are walking إنهم يمشون


Listen I'm walking to the store. أنا أمشي إلى مخزن
Listen He's opening the door. انه فتح الباب
Listen It's raining. انها تمطر
Listen We're waiting for you. نحن بانتظارك.
The cat is sleeping.
The cat is sleeping.
She is playing tennis.
Sarah is playing tennis.

To Have (تملك)

Have is a very common verb that is irregular in the present tense. The following table shows the forms of have in the present tense.

Listen I have اتمتع
Listen you have لديكم
Listen he has يملك
Listen she has تمتلك
Listen it has تمتلك
Listen we have نملكها
Listen they have أنهم يملكون


Listen I have an apple. لدي تفاحة
Listen She has black shoes. لديها حذاء أسود
Listen We have a new table. لدينا جدول جديد.
Listen You have a nice house. لديك منزل جميل.
Listen He has a blue car. لديه سيارة زرقاء
Listen They have a grey cat. لديهم القط الرمادي.
She has an apple.
She has an apple.
The boats have white sails.
The boats have white sails.



The day is warm and sunny. The sky is blue with a few white clouds. Mark walks along the shore, looking at the waves on the ocean and the boats in the distance. He hears people laughing. He turns to look and sees a family walking a black dog. Mark waves at the family, then walks towards a café he sees in the distance. He climbs up some stairs and walks along the grey sidewalk until he reaches the café. He enters the café and walks up to the counter.

"What would you like?", asks a lady with long, brown hair.

"How much are the muffins?", Mark asks.

"Two dollars and fifteen cents," she replies.

"A blueberry muffin and a large coffee please."

"That's four dollars and twenty cents," she says as she pours the coffee.

Mark pays the lady, then brings his coffee and muffin to a table outside. He takes a sip of his coffee as he looks at the ocean.

مفردات اللغه

day يوم
sunny مشمس
cloud سحابة
sky سماء
wave موجة
ocean المحيط
distance المسافة
hears يسمع
turns انعطف
sees شاهد
family أسرة
waves موجات
climbs يتسلق
sidewalk رصيف
reaches يصل
enters يدخل
What would you like? ماذا تحب؟
asks يسأل
replies تجيب
says تقول
pours يصب
pays دفع
brings يحمل
table طاولة


إليك بعض البطاقات التعليمية لمساعدتك على تعلم الكلمات الإنجليزية لبعض الألوان الشائعة


اضغط على أيقونة الصوت ، ثم اكتب الكلمة الإنجليزية أو الجملة التي تسمعها. اضغط على زر التحقق لمعرفة ما إذا كانت إجاباتك صحيحة.



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