To Be - الدرس الرابع


في هذا الدرس سوف تتعلم عن الضمائر وكيفية التعبير عن الحالة الراهنة أو حالة دائمة من شخص أو كائن


City Street

Eric and Ashley are walking to a restaurant for lunch. On the way they see Eric's friend Tom.

Eric: Hi Tom. How's it going?

Tom: Good.

Eric: This is Ashley. She is from London.

Tom: Nice to meet you Ashley.

Ashley: Nice to meet you too. Are you hungry? We're going for lunch.

Tom: I'm hungry, but I have to go back to work. Maybe I'll see you later.

Ashley: Bye.

Eric: Let's go. John is already there.

المفردات والعبارات

Listen Are you hungry? هل انت جائع؟
Listen I'm hungry. انا جائع
Listen Are you sure? هل أنت متأكد؟
Listen Can you help me? هل تستطيع مساعدتي
Listen How much is it? كم سعره؟
Listen How's it going? كيف احوالك؟
Listen Let's go. لنذهب.
Listen I don't like it. أنا لا أحب ذلك
Listen I found it. لقد وجدت أنه
Listen Look out! انتبه
Listen That's interesting. وهذا هو المثير للاهتمام
Listen What's going on? ما الذي يجري؟




Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns in a sentence. Pronouns are a very important part of the English language, so be sure to take the time to learn them.

There are three types of pronouns in English: subject, object, and possessive. The subject is what is doing the action and the object is what is receiving or affected by the action.

Possessive Adjectives are used in front of a noun to show who the noun belongs to. Possessive pronouns are pronouns that indicate ownership. They can be used to replace a possessive adjective and its noun. For example: It is my cup. It is mine. The cup is mine.

The pronoun you is used when referring to a single person as well as multiple people. Its subject and object forms are the same. You is used in both formal and informal situations.

 Subject   Object Poss. Adj. Poss. Pronoun
Listen I me my mine أنا
Listen you you your yours انتَ / انتِ
Listen he him his his هو
Listen she her her hers هي
Listen it it its its هو / هي /ذلك
Listen we us our ours نحن
Listen they them their theirs هم

Reflexive Pronouns

A reflexive pronoun is used as the object when the subject and object are the same person. The expression by + reflexive pronoun means alone. Example: Anna lives by herself.

The following table shows the English reflexive pronouns.

Pronoun Reflexive Pronoun
I myself
you yourself
she herself
he himself
it itself
one oneself
we ourselves
they themselves


Listen I pour myself a glass of juice. أسكب لنفسي كوبًا من العصير
Listen Mark blames himself for the accident. مارك يلوم نفسه على الحادث
Listen Brad and Tammy can't finish the work by themselves. لا يمكن لبراد وتامي إنهاء العمل بأنفسهما

To Be

The verb be is very common in English. It is also the most irregular verb in the English language. It is used to describe or indicate the state of a person or object. It is also used to indicate that two concepts are the same or equal.

be يكون
Listen I am
Listen you are
Listen he is
Listen she is
Listen it is
Listen we are
Listen they are


A contraction is a shortened version of a word, or a group of words. Contractions are indicated by an apostrophe.

The English language has many contractions. Contractions are very common with pronouns and the verb to be. The following table shows the contractions between pronouns and to be.

I am I'm
you are you're
he is he's
she is she's
it is it's
we are we're
they are they're


Listen Where are you? أين أنت؟
Listen Where is she? أين هي؟
Listen We're here. نحن هنا.
Listen He's on his way. انه في طريقه
Listen She is thirsty. هي عطشى.
Listen I'm hungry. انا جائع
Listen I saw him. أنا رأيته.
Listen We saw her. شاهدنا لها.
Listen He saw them. انه رآهم.
Listen You are late. انت متأخر.
Listen They are angry. وهم غاضبون.
Listen This is my friend. هذا صديقي.
Listen The house is ours. المنزل هو لنا.
Listen The sky is blue. السماء زرقاء.
Listen That is my shirt. هذا هو قميصي.
Listen That is your cup. انت متأخر.
Listen Their cups are empty. أكواب هم فارغة.


اضغط على أيقونة الصوت ، ثم اكتب الكلمة الإنجليزية أو الجملة التي تسمعها. اضغط على زر التحقق لمعرفة ما إذا كانت إجاباتك صحيحة.



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