Adverbs (副词)



Adverbs of Place

Audio here 这里
Audio nowhere 无处
Audio somewhere 某处
Audio there 那里

Adverbs of Frequency

Audio always 总是
Audio ever 曾经, 永远
Audio never 决不
Audio occasionally 偶尔
Audio often 经常
Audio rarely 很少
Audio sometimes 有时候
Audio usually 平常

Adverbs of Time

Audio already 已经
Audio immediately 立即
Audio later 后来
Audio now 现在
Audio shortly 不久
Audio soon 不久

Other Adverbs

Audio carefully 小心
Audio completely 全然
Audio even 甚至
Audio happily 高高兴兴
Audio quickly 很快
Audio sadly 可悲的是
Audio slowly 徐徐
Audio so 非常, 这样
Audio suddenly 突然
Audio too
Audio very 非常


Sound They always go to the store on Monday. 他们总是去商店周一。
Sound I'm never late. 我从不迟到。
Sound She never drinks coffee. 她从来不喝咖啡。
Sound Wait here. 在这儿等着。
Sound We slowly walked up the hill. 我们慢慢地走着上山。
Sound Suddenly he was there. 突然,他在那里。
Sound I often drink tea in the afternoon. 我经常在下午喝茶。