
'The past tense' 用于描述发生在过去的行动或事件。 最常见的创建方式是 'the past tense' 是在动词的末尾加上ed。, 或 d 如果动词以e结尾. 例如 walk的'the past tense'是 walked. 英语中有许多不规则动词,它们将在以后的课程中介绍。

Verb Past Tense
ask asked
decide decided 决定
help helped 帮助
like liked 喜欢
live lived 生活
move moved 移动
open opened 打开
show showed 显示, 表明
talk talked 谈论
want wanted


Listen She talked about her vacation. 她谈到了她的假期。
Listen He closed the door. 他关上了门。
Listen We hoped for the best. 我们希望最好的结果。
Listen The clouds drifted away. 乌云渐行渐远。
