
There are several ways to ask questions in English.

  1. Start the sentence with the verb do followed by the subject followed by the main verb of the sentence.
  2. Start the sentence with the main verb followed by the subject when the verb is be, will, can, may, shall, or must.
  3. Start the sentence with a question word such as who, where, what, when, how, or why.

Sentences that are questions end in a question mark "?" instead of a period "."

Question Words

Listen how 怎么
Listen what 什么
Listen when 什么时候
Listen where 哪里
Listen which 哪个
Listen who
Listen whose 谁的
Listen why 为什么



Listen Can you go to the store? 你可以去商店?
Listen Do you go to the store? 你去商店?
Listen Does the store sell shoes? 难道店里卖鞋?
Listen Why do you go to the store? 为什么你去商店?
Listen Is it possible? 可能吗?
Listen How is it possible? 这怎么可能?
Listen Who goes to the theater? 谁去电影院?
Listen Why does it do that? 为什么会这样?
Listen Does he not wash the dishes? 他不洗碗?
Listen When does the movie start? 什么时候开始的电影?
Listen What is wrong? 什么是错了吗?