Adjectives (形容词)

形容词是描述名词和代词的词。 下表列出了一些常见的形容词。

Sound dark 黑暗
Sound fast
Sound good
Sound happy 快乐
Sound hungry 饥饿
Sound nice 和蔼
Sound quiet 安静
Sound right (correct) 正确
Sound sad 伤心
Sound slow 缓慢
Sound soft
Sound small
Sound thirsty
Sound tired
Sound wrong 错误




He is ___. 他是___。
We are not ___. 我们不是___。
I am very ___. 我很___。
I am not very ___. 我不是很___。
She is quite ___. 她很___。
It is too ___. 这也太___了。
They are so ___. 他们是如此的___。
Are you ___? 你是 ___?


The boxes are too small. 盒子太小了。
He is very happy. 他很开心。
Are you thirsty? 你口渴吗?
I am so tired! 我很累!
She is happy. 她很开心。
She is not happy. 她不开心。
He is wet and cold. 他是又湿又冷。
The pizza is very good. 比萨是非常好的。



Here are some flashcards to help you learn the English words for some common foods and drinks.