第二课 - 有用的短语


在本课中您将学习一些更有用的英语短语。 您还将学习数字 1 到 10 的英语单词。课程中包含闪卡来帮助您学习英语词汇。





Sentence (句子)

A sentence is a word or group of words that makes a statement, asks a question, or expresses a command, wish, or exclamation.

The first letter of a sentence is capitalized. Statements, commands, and wishes end in a period (.), questions end in a question mark (?), and exclamations end in an exclamation mark (!).

Paragraph (段落)

A paragraph contains one or more sentences that express a single idea. A paragraph always starts on a new line. In some forms of writing, the first line of a paragraph is also indented.


点击 Sound 按钮以听取短语的发音方式。

Sound Don't worry. 不要担心。
Sound Excuse me. 打扰一下。
Sound Good luck. 祝你好运。
Sound I don't like it. 我不喜欢它。
Sound I don't know. 我不知道。
Sound I'm sorry. 对不起。
Sound I think so. 我想是这样。
Sound It's easy. 这很容易。
Sound Let's go. 我们走吧。
Sound That's fine. 那也行。
Sound That's right. 那是对的。
Sound What's wrong? 什么是错了吗?
Sound What do you think? 你怎么看?
Sound What happened? 发生了什么?
Sound What is that? 那是什么?
A person writing
Sophie writes down the new English vocabulary that she is learning.

数字 (1 - 10)


Sound 1 one
Sound 2 two
Sound 3 three
Sound 4 four
Sound 5 five
Sound 6 six
Sound 7 seven
Sound 8 eight
Sound 9 nine
Sound 10 ten


使用 flashcards 帮你记住这些常用短语。练习写出词组来提高你对他们的了解。



Eric: Hi Mark. What's wrong.

Mark: I have an exam tomorrow, and I'm not ready.

Eric: Don't worry. You'll do fine.

Mark: I hope so.

Eric: Well, I'd better let you get back to studying. Good Luck.

Mark: Thanks. See you later.


Eric: 嗨马克。 什么是错了吗?

Mark: 明天有考试,我还没准备好。

Eric: 不用担心。 你会做得很好。

Mark: 但愿如此。

Eric: 好吧,我还是让你回去学习吧。 祝你好运。

Mark: 谢谢。 回头见。



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