
動詞は、行動、または感情的な状態を示す言葉です。 このレッスンには、いくつかの一般的な動詞が含まれています。 このレッスンでは、現在起こっているアクションについて話す方法についても説明しています。


Sound to believe 信じる
Sound to close 閉める
Sound to come 来る
Sound to do 行う
Sound to find 見附る
Sound to give 与える
Sound to go 行く
Sound to help 助ける, 手伝う
Sound to lose 失う, 負ける
Sound to open 開く
Sound to read 読む
Sound to see 見る
Sound to talk 語る
Sound to think 考えます, 考える
Sound to want 欲する


Present Tense

A verb is a word that expresses an action, a condition or a state of being. Verbs have different forms to indicate if the action happened in the past, is currently happening, or will happen in the future. The present tense of a verb is used to indicate that an action, condition or state is:

  • currently happening
  • a general fact or truth
  • habitual, everyday, or expected to continue for an unknown amount of time into the future.

The following table shows the present tense for the regular verb walk. Most verbs follow this pattern.

To Walk (歩く)

Sound I walk
Sound you walk
Sound he walks
Sound she walks
Sound it walks
Sound we walk
Sound they walk

Verbs - Present Progressive Tense

In English there is also the present progressive tense, also called the present continuous, to indicate that an action is happening in the present. This is is used to emphasize that an action is happening right at this moment, or is happening now but only for a short amount of time.

The present progressive tense is formed using to be with the verb, and adding ing to the end of the verb. For example I am walking. Contractions are often used in this case. For example I'm walking.

Listen I am walking
Listen you are walking
Listen he is walking
Listen she is walking
Listen it is walking
Listen we are walking
Listen they are walking

Listen I see the cup. 私はカップ見る。
Listen She reads the book. 彼女は本を読みます。
Listen The boy closes the window. その少年は窓を閉める。
Listen We believe you. 私たちはあなたが言うことを信じています。
Listen The girl goes to the store. 女の子は店に行きます。
Listen I'm walking to the store. 私は店に行く。
Listen He's opening the door. 彼はドアを開きます。
Listen It's raining. 雨が降っています。
Listen We're waiting for you. 私たちはあなたを待っています。