Lección 12 - Sustantivos abstractos


En esta lección, aprendes algunos sustantivos abstractos en inglés. También aprendes algunos sufijos que se usan para crear sustantivos abstractos.

Esta lección incluye flashcards y un examen para ayudarte a mejorar tu vocabulario en inglés.

Vocabulario inglés

beauty belleza
certainty certeza
conclusion conclusión
darkness oscuridad
depth profundidad
discovery descubrimiento
encounter encuentro
education educación
excitement emoción, excitación, agitación
experience experiencia
explanation explicación
freedom libertad
government gobierno
happiness felicidad
honesty honestidad
length longitud
memory memoria
motivation motivación
movement movimiento
nation nación
occupation ocupación
opening apertura, inauguración
relation relación
sadness tristeza
safety la seguridad
similarity semejanza
strength fuerza
tension tensión
thought pensamiento
treatment tratamiento
understanding comprensión
warmth calor


Aquí hay algunas tarjetas de vocabulario para aprender sustantivos abstractos en inglés.

Abstract Nouns

Abstract nouns are nouns that name concepts, ideas, and qualities. Many abstract nouns are created by adding suffixes to verbs and adjectives. Common suffixes include ing, ness, hood, ship, sion, tion, ity, and ment.

The suffix ing

The suffix ing is added to a verb to indicate the concept of doing the action or the result of an action. The suffix ing is also added to a verb to create the present participle that is used in forming the present and past continuous tenses.

The suffix ness

The suffix ness is added to an adjective to create an abstract noun that means the state of. For example the noun sadness means the state of being sad. If the adjective ends in the letter y, the y is changed to an i before adding the suffix ness.

The suffix th

The suffix th is added to adjectives to create abstract nouns that mean the condition or quality of the adjective. Note that the vowel sound of some adjectives is changed when th is added.

The suffix ity

The suffix ity is added to adjectives to create abstract nouns that mean the condition or quality of the adjective. The plural form of ity is ities.

The suffixes sion, ion, and ation

The suffixes sion and ion are added to verbs to describe a state, condition, action, or process. These words have been borrowed into English from French, so will be very familiar to speakers of French, Spanish, and Portuguese. In some cases, only the noun and not the verb form have been borrowed into English.

The suffix hood

The suffix hood is added to another noun to indicate a state or condition.


Aquí hay un breve examen en línea darte más práctica para aprender el vocabulario en inglés incluido en esta lección.

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