Used To

Used To

In this lesson, you'll learn about the different meanings of the phrase used to. This is very common in English and has several different meanings.

The different meanings of the phrase used to are listed below.

1) To be used to means to be accustomed to, or to be familiar with. For example:

I am used to the warm weather. Estoy acostumbrado al clima cálido.
I’m used to leaving work late. Estoy acostumbrado a salir del trabajo tarde.
He is used to the noise of the traffic. Él está acostumbrado al ruido del tráfico.

2) When used to follows a noun or pronoun it means an action was repeated in the past, but does not currently happen. For example:

I used to drive to work, but now I walk to work. Yo solía conducir al trabajo en el pasado, pero ahora camino al trabajo.
I used to put two teaspoons of sugar in my coffee, but now I don’t put any sugar in. Solía poner dos cucharadas de azúcar en mi café, pero ahora no pongo nada de azúcar en.
They used to visit almost every weekend, but now that they’ve moved away, we rarely ever see them. Solían visitar casi cada fin de semana, pero ahora que se han mudado a una nueva casa, que rara vez se ven.

3) Used to can also be the past tense of the verb phrase "use to". For example:

What did you use to fix it? I used a hammer to fix it. ¿Qué es lo que se utiliza para solucionarlo? He utilizado un martillo para fijarlo.
What do they use the apples for? They use them to make apple pie. ¿Para qué utilizan las manzanas por? Los utilizan para hacer el pastel de manzana.
We used it to store our extra clothes. La usamos para guardar la ropa de más.


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