

In this lesson you'll learn about prepositions and how to use them in the English language. Many examples are included to show how to use prepositions in English sentences.

A preposition is a connecting word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and another word, usually the subject in a sentence. They are commonly used to give information about time or location.

Prepositions are usually placed after the verb and before the noun or pronoun they are associated with. The noun following the preposition is never the subject of a sentence.

Prepositions are very common words that can have several different meanings. Words used for prepositions are often used as adverbs and conjunctions as well.

A prepositional phrase refers to a preposition and its object. The following are some examples of prepositional phrases.

  • under the bridge
  • in the meadow
  • along the path

Common Prepositions

about above across after
against along among around
at before behind below
beneath beside besides between
beyond by despite down
during for from in
into like near of
off on out over
since through throughout till
toward under until up
with within without



The story is about a cat. La historia trata de un gato.
The birds flew above her. Los pájaros volaban por encima de ella.
We walked across the bridge. Caminamos al otro lado del puente.
I usually go for a walk after lunch. Yo suelo ir a dar un paseo después del almuerzo.
He leaned against the wall. Se apoyó contra la pared.
We walked along the narrow trail. Caminamos por el sendero estrecho.
I sat among the ruins. Me senté entre las ruinas.
What is around the corner? Lo que está alrededor de la esquina?
The stars are visible at night. Las estrellas son visibles en la noche.
The train leaves at 10:30. El tren sale a las 10:30.
Look at the flowers. Mira las flores.
They are at home. Ellos están en casa.
I'll do it before the end of the day. Lo haré antes del final del día.
There is a cat behind the window. Hay un gato detrás de la ventana.
My son is sitting beside me. Mi hijo está sentado a mi lado.
There is nowhere to sit besides the floor. No hay ningún lugar para sentarse, además del suelo.
I am sitting between two apple trees. Estoy sentado entre dos manzanos.
Lunch will be here between 12:30 and 1:30. El almuerzo estará aquí 12:30-01:30.
I don't know what's beyond the hill. No sé lo que está más allá de la colina.
I like to sit by the river. Me gusta sentarse por el río.
I have to finish the book by Friday. Tengo que terminar el libro antes del viernes.
It will be done by the end of the week. Esto se realizará por el final de la semana.
I stopped by your house this morning. Pasé por su casa esta mañana.
The store was closed by the time I got there. Pasé por su casa esta mañana.
I fell asleep during the meeting. Me dormí durante la reunión.
He waited for two hours. Esperó dos horas.
She was born in September. Ella nació en septiembre.
It gets colder in the winter. Hace más frío en el invierno.
My exam is on Tuesday. Mi examen es el martes.
He worked until 6:00. Trabajó hasta las 6:00.
Can you go with me to the concert. ¿Se puede ir conmigo al concierto?

Compound Prepositions

A compound preposition consists of two or more words, but acts like a single preposition. The following table shows some common compound prepositions.

ahead of as far as because of by means of
in addition to in back of in case of in regard to
in spite of instead of next to out of


They arrived ahead of me. Llegaron por delante de mí.
Your jacket is next to the door. Su chaqueta está al lado de la puerta.
I finished in spite of the interruptions. Terminé a pesar de las interrupciones.
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