Progressive Tenses


In this lesson, you'll learn about the:

  • present participle
  • present progressive tense
  • past progressive tense
  • future progressive tense.
Several examples are included to show how they are used.

Present Participle

The present participle is a form of a verb that is used in the creation of the progressive tenses. The present participle is formed by adding ing to the end of a verb. If the verb ends in an e, the e is dropped. The following table shows some examples of the present participle.

Verb Present Participle
do doing
make making
think thinking


The Progressive Tenses

Progressive tenses, also called continuous tenses, express the idea that an action is in progress during a particular time period. Progressive tenses are formed with the verb "be" and the present participle of a verb. There are three progressive tenses in English:

  • past progressive
  • present progressive
  • future progressive.

The Past Progressive Tense

The past progressive tense, also called past continuous or imperfect, indicates that an action took place in the past, but was in progress for a period of time, or in progress when another action happened, or the action is incomplete. The past progressive is formed by using the past tense of the verb be with the present participle of a verb. The following table shows the past progressive tense for the verb go.

I was going
you were going
he / she / it was going
we were going
they were going


What were you doing? Was haben Sie gemacht?
I was walking to the store when you phoned. Ich war auf dem Weg zum Laden, als Sie anriefen.
The dog was sleeping when I walked by. Der Hund schlief, als ich vorbeikam.
We were thinking about going to Costa Rica for our vacation, but eventually decided to go to Ecuador instead. Wir dachten an einen Urlaub in Costa Rica, entschieden uns dann aber doch für Ecuador.

The Present Progressive Tense

The present progressive tense expresses an action that is taking place at the moment of speaking and implies that the action is in progress. The present progressive is formed by using the present tense of the verb be with the present participle of a verb.

The present progressive tense can be used instead of the future progressive tense when the action is happening at a specific time in the future.

The following table shows the present progressive tense of the verb go.

I am going
you are going
he / she / it is going
we are going
they are going


What are you doing? Was machst du da?
I'm going to the store. Ich gehe in den Laden.
The car is moving very slowly. Das Auto fährt sehr langsam.
I am going to the movie on Tuesday. Ich werde am Dienstag ins Kino gehen.

The Future Progressive Tense

The future progressive tense indicates that an action will be in progress when another action happens in the future. The future progressive tense is formed by using the future tense of the verb be with the present participle of a verb. The following table shows the future progressive tense for the verb go.

I will be going
you will be going
he / she / it will be going
we will be going
they will be going


What will you be doing when you are on vacation? Was machen Sie, wenn Sie im Urlaub sind?
We'll be swimming in the ocean every day. Wir werden jeden Tag im Meer schwimmen.
The car will be repaired on Tuesday. Das Auto wird am Dienstag repariert werden.
We will be waiting for you when you arrive. Wir werden Sie bei Ihrer Ankunft erwarten.
I'll be going to the movie on Tuesday. Ich werde am Dienstag in den Film gehen.
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