

Adverbs are words that modify or qualify a verb, adjective or another adverb. Adverbs usually express manner, place, time, frequency, degree, or level of certainty. They’re often used to answer questions such as how, where, when, how often, and to what extent. Adverbs go before the word they modify.

Adverbs of Place

Audio here هنا
Audio nowhere لا مكان
Audio somewhere مكان ما
Audio there هناك

Adverbs of Frequency

Audio always دائما
Audio ever أبدا
Audio never أبدا
Audio occasionally أحيانا
Audio often غالبا
Audio rarely نادرا
Audio sometimes أحيانا
Audio usually

Adverbs of Time

Audio already سابقا
Audio immediately فورا
Audio later فيما بعد
Audio now الآن
Audio shortly قريبا
Audio soon قريبا

Other Adverbs

Audio carefully بعناية
Audio completely تماما
Audio even حتى
Audio happily بسعادة
Audio quickly بسرعة
Audio sadly للأسف
Audio slowly ببطء
Audio so جدا ,هكذا
Audio suddenly فجأة
Audio too أيضا
Audio very جدا


Sound They always go to the store on Monday. انهم دائما الذهاب الى المتجر يوم الاثنين
Sound I'm never late. أنا ابدأ في وقت متأخر
Sound She never drinks coffee. هي لا تشرب القهوة
Sound Wait here. انتظر هنا
Sound We slowly walked up the hill. مشينا ببطء أعلى التل
Sound Suddenly he was there. فجأة ظهر هناك
Sound I often drink tea in the afternoon. أنا غالبا ما تشرب الشاي بعد الظهر