الدرس الثاني - تحيات


In this lesson you'll learn some more useful English phrases. You'll also learn the English words for the numbers 1 to 10. Flashards are included in the lesson to help you learn the vocabulary included in this lesson.

ممارسة نطق كل الكلمات والعبارات التالية. الاستماع إلى التسجيلات الصوتية لضمان النطق الخاص بك هو الصحيح.





A sentence is a word or group of words that makes a statement, asks a question, or expresses a command, wish, or exclamation.

The first letter of a sentence is capitalized. Statements, commands, and wishes end in a period (.), questions end in a question mark (?), and exclamations end in an exclamation mark (!).


A paragraph contains one or more sentences that express a single idea. A paragraph always starts on a new line. In some forms of writing, the first line of a paragraph is also indented.

جمل مفيدة

Sound انقر فوق الرمز لسماع كيف يتم نطق العبارة

Sound Don't worry. لا تقلق
Sound Excuse me. اعذرني
Sound Good luck. حظ سعيد
Sound I don't like it. أنا لا أحب ذلك
Sound I don't know. انا لا اعرف
Sound I'm sorry. انا اسف
Sound I think so. أنا اعتقد ذلك
Sound It's easy. من السهل
Sound Let's go. لنذهب.
Sound That's fine. هذا جيد
Sound That's right. هذا صحيح
Sound What's wrong? ما الخطأ؟
Sound What do you think? ماذا تعتقد
Sound What happened? ماذا حدث
Sound What is that? ما هذا
A person writing
Sophie writes down the new English vocabulary that she is learning.

Numbers (1 - 10)

The following table shows the English words for the numbers from 1 to 10.

Sound 1 one واحد
Sound 2 two اثنان
Sound 3 three ثلاثة
Sound 4 four أربعة
Sound 5 five خمسة
Sound 6 six ستة
Sound 7 seven سبعة
Sound 8 eight ثمانية
Sound 9 nine تسعة
Sound 10 ten عشرة


استخدام البطاقات التعليمية لمساعدتك على حفظ هذه العبارات الشائعة. ممارسة الكتابة من العبارات لترسيخ تفهمك منهم.



Eric: Hi Mark. What's wrong.

Mark: I have an exam tomorrow, and I'm not ready.

Eric: Don't worry. You'll do fine.

Mark: I hope so.

Eric: Well, I'd better let you get back to studying. Good Luck.

Mark: Thanks. See you later.


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